Bug in survival game

Chapter 392 2 Miles Under the Sea 47

Chapter 392 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 47
after an hour.

Su Tingyu floated in a daze, holding the map in his hand, staring at the content on the map with his big eyes, as if he was about to stare out a hole.

"Damn... If I knew it earlier, I should have kidnapped Ao Po Cang!" Su Tingyu was depressed, and turned his head to look around: "... This way? Or this way? Or that side..."

In the distance, some small schools of free-spirited fish suddenly became a mess and began to escape in all directions.

In the middle of the school of fish, a big black shadow appeared. Compared with other small fish and shrimps, it was a giant.

I saw the fish-shaped black shadow that suddenly attacked, with its mouth wide open, swallowing many small fish and sea water into its stomach.

"Hahaha, run, run, run!"

"Get into my stomach quickly..."


The fish-shaped black shadow laughed wildly, with a haughty and arrogant look on his face.

Su Tingyu looked intently and found that it was a big shark.

It's just... why does this big shark look familiar?
With that in mind, Su Tingyu approached the big shark.

At this time, the big shark was enjoying the delicious food, but suddenly heard a slightly hesitant voice of surprise:
"Huh... silly? Is that you?"

The arrogant face of the big shark froze instantly, and he turned his head in fear, and immediately saw Su Tingyu's approaching figure.

"I'm a sea god! I've hit a ghost!" The big shark turned around sharply, trying to escape.

Su Tingyu saw the various reactions of the big shark, and knew that she saw the fish right, it was really the big silly fish from before.

It's really fate!

Su Tingyu increased the thrust of his belt, and chased after the big shark with a smile on his face. By the way, he took out his ten-meter meteor stick, and said, "Dasha, even if you are lucky enough to meet me, why don't you be so excited? Stop for a while chant?"

The big shark was forced to stop, he subconsciously swallowed the saliva in his mouth, and smiled a crying face: "Not excited, not excited..." He didn't dare to get excited at all.

"Huh?" Su Tingyu tilted his head, very puzzled: "Are you unhappy seeing me?"

With a stiff smile on his face, the shark replied in seconds: "Happy! I'm so happy!!"

woo woo woo woo……

I drop Poseidon!
Why am I... so unlucky...

"Hey, I'm very happy to see you too, so hurry up and swim down." Su Tingyu eagerly wanted to jump on the shark's back.

"Okay...Okay." The shark dared not speak out, and swam a little lower obediently.

Su Tingyu jumped onto the shark's back with ease, and then skillfully found a comfortable position to sit down.

"Dasha, take a look at this road map. I'm going to Cree Island." Su Tingyu moved his body, spread out the road map, and placed it in front of the shark.

The big shark looked at it for a while, wondering if this human race is going to go home?
After confirming the route and destination, the big shark responded, "Oh, I've written down the route."

"Okay, okay ~ I'm ready to sit ~" Su Tingyu put away the road map, and sat back in his seat: "Wuhu ~ let's go!"

The big shark who was used as a mount looked indifferent, anyway, it was not the first time.

The big shark started to swim towards the route on the map.

"Grandma, the place you are going to is a bit far away, it may take several days." On the way, the big shark was a little worried, and felt like giving Su Tingyu a vaccination.

This time the big shark didn't play tricks.

It is indeed a long way to get to the island of Kray.

"Good, good, you can just swim." Su Tingyu responded with a full mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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