Bug in survival game

Chapter 393 2 Miles Under the Sea 48

Chapter 393 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 48
The deep night is like splashing ink, blending into the sea. The waves wash over the reefs on the shore and beat the hull of the ship, making a dull crashing sound.

The island is brightly lit, people are moving, it is very lively, and the maids who come and go are busy.

On the outer periphery, teams of royal knights were stationed, and the chill of the night appeared on the heavy armor.

"Ah! Come! Come! There are thieves!"

"The princess was assassinated!"


Panic screams came from inside the ship, breaking the calm of Cray Island.

Layers of black armor surrounded the entire ship, and groups of people immediately blocked all ships and ports on the island.

In a certain room on the ship, a few priests who came in a hurry saw what was going on inside, and immediately checked the situation of Her Royal Highness who had fainted on the ground.

After a while, the priests couldn't stop trembling all over, with despair in their eyes.

"It's over...it's over..." One of the old pastors murmured stupidly, and fell limply on the ground.


Five days later.

In the early morning, a shark fin emerged from a corner of the sea.

A big shark came out of the water, and on the back of the shark, a human girl sat obediently on it.

"Crab and crab~ Dasha~" Finding an empty shore, Su Tingyu jumped off the big shark's back, and patted the latter's head by the way, with a grateful expression.

The big shark looked flattering: "No thanks, no thanks, grandma, then I'm leaving~"

"Huihui~Smooth journey~"

Su Tingyu waved his small paws, watching the big shark leave.

After Su Tingyu came to the shore, he took off his belt and put it back in the inventory.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong, Su Tingyu walked towards the city built by humans in the distance.

When Su Tingyu approached the edge of the city, he looked up and saw that the construction style of these cities was somewhat like the western style in the real world.

Fortunately, the human beings who come and go here wear different clothes, and Su Tingyu's outfit is not too eye-catching.

When entering the city gate, you need to pay the city fee. Ao Poyang also mentioned this to Su Tingyu before, so he also asked the Dragon Clan to help prepare the currency for circulation among humans.

But when Su Tingyu entered the city, he found several arrest warrants posted at the gate of the city.

Su Tingyu took a closer look.

The above content probably means that a princess who visited Kray Island recently was assassinated. Not only was she robbed of a rare orb by a thief, she was also accidentally injured, and she is still in a coma.

Therefore, the current situation on Kray Island can be said to be very tense.

"Tsk tsk, the princess was also assassinated? It seems that the territory of the human race is not peaceful..." Su Tingyu sighed in his heart, and when he was about to walk away, his footsteps stopped.

"Wait?! Orb?" Su Tingyu turned his head and read the arrest warrant carefully.

Su Tingyu guessed in his heart: "This...couldn't this be done by other players?"

"Hey, what are you doing here? Hurry up..."

At this time, Su Tingyu was noticed by a guard at the city gate because he stayed for a long time, and immediately drove Su Tingyu away.

Seeing this, Su Tingyu had no choice but to leave the place quickly.

But in my heart, I knew the reason why the princess was assassinated.

"Tsk tsk, are other players doing the same? Stealing the princess's orb? Awesome!"

After a comparison, Su Tingyu felt that what he had done these days was simply too childish.

"Oh, I'm still too kind~" Never snatch other people's treasures.

(End of this chapter)

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