Bug in survival game

Chapter 398 2 Miles Under the Sea 53

Chapter 398 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 53
Su Tingyu glanced at it, didn't pay attention, but complained silently in his heart, why do people keep blocking the door today?

The sharp eyes of the leading royal knight scanned around, and finally landed on Su Tingyu, and he held a disc with a pointer in his hand, and the arrow of the pointer suddenly pointed in the direction of Su Tingyu .

The Royal Knight snapped: "There!"

With an order, all the royal knights surrounded Su Tingyu.

Su Tingyu: Hmm? ? ?
Su Tingyu looked bewildered, completely unaware of what happened.

But looking at the hostile looks of these royal knights, Su Tingyu naturally couldn't sit still.

But Su Tingyu asked first: "Big brother, did you make a mistake?"

The royal knight at the front hesitated for a moment when he heard this.

The master predicted that there was a suspect of robbery in this restaurant, but when they came here, they found that the suspect was a little girl? ?
The royal knight holding the disc was also puzzled, but out of trust in the master, he still ordered Su Tingyu to be caught.

"Catch her!"

Seeing this, Su Tingyu stopped talking, and the direction of the door was blocked, but the restaurant never had more than one door, and there must be a back door.

Without further hesitation, Su Tingyu immediately ran back.


Before the royal knights had time to block Su Tingyu's back path, Su Tingyu ran away for a while.

Su Tingyu ignored the dull eyes of the staff in the store and sneaked into the store.

Inside the restaurant, apart from the kitchen, there is a yard, which is used to store various food raw materials and tools.

The yard is surrounded by walls, about two meters high. Su Tingyu's eyes are wandering, and when he sees neatly placed timbers on the corners of some walls, his eyes light up.

Behind them came the voices of the royal knights:

"You can't escape!"


Su Tingyu didn't care much. With the posture of these royal knights, who would be so stupid to stop?
Just when Su Tingyu was about to approach the firewood pile, a mask suddenly appeared over the yard.

There was a little bird outside that just wanted to fly into the yard, but it was blocked by the light mask, so it couldn't fly in anyway.

Seeing this scene, Su Tingyu's eyes froze slightly.

what's the situation?
"Hmph, run away, keep running away!"

Behind him came the mocking sound of the Royal Knights.

Su Tingyu turned his head to look, and saw the disc in the hand of the leader of the Royal Knights, which was shining faintly at this moment.

Could it be that this thing came out of it?

The thought flashed through his mind, Su Tingyu put his right hand behind his back, and quietly took out the meteor stick from the inventory.

Immediately afterwards, under the disdainful gazes of the royal knights, they turned around and jumped onto the pile of firewood, and hit the edge of the lower mask heavily with a ten-centimeter meteorite stick.


Cobweb-like cracks appeared from the edge, and continued to expand. In just a few seconds, a hole was opened on the mask, allowing Su Tingyu to get out.

"Goodbye to you~" Su Tingyu turned his head and waved his little paw, and left the yard easily in front of the astonished royal knights.

"...Quick! Go after him!"


Outside, Su Tingyu jumped out, it happened to be a street, and the pedestrians on the road all looked at Su Tingyu with strange eyes.

Su Tingyu looked calm, and quickly left the place.

After the royal knights came out over the wall, Su Tingyu was no longer in sight.

(End of this chapter)

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