Bug in survival game

Chapter 399 2 Miles Under the Sea 54

Chapter 399 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 54
Su Tingyu ran away, but not completely.

As long as Su Tingyu stays in one place for too long, there will be mobile royal knights to arrest her immediately.

After coming down a few times, Su Tingyu confirmed that the disc they were holding was the item that locked her whereabouts.

So, after Su Tingyu was discovered by the royal knights, he took advantage of his unpreparedness and destroyed the disk.

After destroying Yuanpan, Su Tingyu waited for a long time at the new hiding place, and this time, those royal knights no longer came to capture her.

But why did these royal knights want to arrest her as soon as they met?Did you ignore the other people in the hotel?
In order to clear up the confusion, Su Tingyu captured a lonely royal knight.

"Tell me, why did you arrest me?" Su Tingyu tied the hands and feet of the royal knight, then stood up straight and asked.

"You... you are a foreign thief, why are you pretending to be innocent!" The royal knight looked very tough, and his eyes were full of anger when he looked at Su Tingyu. Tingyu was tied up, afraid that he would jump up and fight Su Tingyu one-on-one.

"Huh?" Su Tingyu frowned suspiciously: "What thief?"

She had just entered the city, so she didn't have time to do anything, so why was she framed as a thief?
This is so unfair!Anyway, wait until she does it... Cough cough.

Su Tingyu hurriedly recalled his wandering thoughts: "Big brother, did you recognize the wrong person? I just came here today, how can I have time to do bad things?"

"Impossible! The magic weapon given by the master is impossible to make mistakes. You must be the thief who hurt Her Royal Highness. Moreover, if you are not a thief, how can you run away with a guilty conscience?"


Master's magic weapon?The thief who hurt Her Royal Highness?
The master refers to the Elsa master that Su Tingyu inquired about in the restaurant?
It is very likely that the thief refers to the other players who died?
Although they are both players, she obviously didn't do anything?How did you get involved with her?
Su Tingyu was puzzled, and asked the royal knight again: "I'm a girl, aren't all the thieves who hurt the princess male? You really got the wrong person..."

"This..." The royal knight hesitated for a while, but he still said stubbornly: "Anyway, the magic weapon given by the master identified you, so you must be a thief! You attacked the princess at night a few days ago, and you just saw it clearly. Your accomplice, maybe you are hiding in the dark and have not been discovered!"


This seems to make sense.

Not right!

Just with a disc?Just judge her as an accomplice of thieves?
This is too outrageous...

"Sigh." Su Tingyu sighed slightly, knocked the royal knight unconscious, and left the hiding place.

As the sky was getting dark, Su Tingyu was looking for a hotel to stay overnight, but found that there was a new arrest warrant with his own portrait posted on the busy street.

Moreover, there are already many people watching.

Come on.

Now, there is no place to stay in the hotel, and there is no place to sleep on the street.

"Where are you going now..." Su Tingyu frowned, walked away from the street, and wandered into the alley.

Then, Su Tingyu discovered that there was no wanted notice posted in the remote alley.

It is estimated that the time for posting the wanted notice is not very long. As long as Su Tingyu avoids some crowded places, it should not be too easy to be discovered.

Watching the sun go down, Su Tingyu scratched his head, thinking about sneaking into a private house, suddenly, his eyes lit up.

She thought of a place that wasn't too bad.

(End of this chapter)

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