Bug in survival game

Chapter 535 Island Prison 11

Chapter 535 Island Prison 11
5 minute later.

The fat man pondered where to start for 5 minutes, whispered "Amen" in his mouth, then raised the cauldron, and gently knocked the man awake.

The man woke up with a look of pain on his face, his mind was dizzy.

Gu Qi lowered his head and took off his sunglasses, his eyes gleaming with purple light looked directly at the eyes of the man in front of him, and his thin lips parted slightly: "Name, identity, purpose of coming to the island prison."

The man's expression struggled for a moment, but soon he became dull like a marionette: "... My name is Jiang Tiancai, and I am a deputy cadre affiliated to the Wentian Organization. Three months ago, I took over I received an order from the organization, and the organization believed that there was some kind of evil activity against the heavens in the island prison, so they ordered me to sneak into the island prison and find out the truth as soon as possible.”

"What is the Wentian organization?" Gu frowned, it didn't sound like a white force appearing in society.

Moreover, in such a highly developed era, there are still people who utter the theism of "defying heaven". If it is placed in the real world, it is a joke at a small scale, but it is a cancer left over from the ancient system.

There was a look of fanatical admiration on the man's face, "The Wentian organization listens to the heavens and listens to the people's opinions. It is a great and bright pure land. It is always maintaining social order and fighting against the forces of evil..."

"Boss, why does it sound a bit weird to me..." the fat man hesitated for a moment, then said.

Which serious organization acts like a... pyramid scheme?brainwashing?
Gu Qi continued to ask calmly: "What exactly happened in the island prison?"

"Island Prison... This is a devil's den!!" The man's face was extremely ferocious, and he waved his hands excitedly: "Every day! The people they take away every day... can never come back! They...they... "

Gu Qi suddenly said: "Feng Nanbei, knock him out!"

Words must follow.

This is an indispensable excellent quality for an employee when facing the boss's instructions.

The fat man shouted "Amen" again in his heart, and knocked the man unconscious with a pot.

As soon as the man fainted, Gu Qi lowered his head, the purple light in his eyes faded a lot, and a trace of tiredness appeared on his face.

"Boss, are you okay?" Fatty noticed that Gu Qi's state was not right, and asked quickly.

"It's okay." Gu Qi put on his sunglasses again.

The fat man took back the blame: "Boss, what should we do with him now?"

"He, it's still useful." Gu Qi turned his head to look at the shielding device that was running normally on the wall, and said in a low voice, "Find Su Tingyu and Qin Lin first."

"But we knocked on him, you must remember it when you wake up? Then..." What if we should be more vigilant next time?

The fat man looked worried.

"It's okay, he just blurred this part of his memory, when he wakes up, he can figure out why his head is bleeding."

"So amazing?" The fat man opened his mouth slightly in shock.

As expected of the boss, Niucha!
"Boss, let's go quickly, we still have time to find the boss and Brother Qin."

"No rush." ​​Gu Qi turned around and walked out.

The fat man scratched his head: "Why are you in no hurry?"

"I know who is the target of my mission, so go and get rid of that person first." Gu Qi simply explained.

I have been restricted and too passive, and it is difficult to perform many things.

Gu Qi can use part of his professional talents now, but it will be very difficult to use them for a long time.

"Oh, that's it..." Fatty was a little bit tangled when he heard this, but he didn't say anything, and followed Gu Qi obediently to leave the area.

(End of this chapter)

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