Bug in survival game

Chapter 536 Island Prison 12

Chapter 536 Island Prison 12
[Dungeon time: 22:30]

One hour is the end of the free time, and all prisoners must return to their cells in peace.

After searching for an hour, Su Tingyu, who couldn't find anything, was very depressed.

Should not be!

This fairy's luck has always been very nice, why can't I find anyone now?
After Su Tingyu's identity was checked on the edge of the cell area, the bracelet on his wrist was taken off.

As Su Tingyu walked into the depths of the cell, he twisted his wrist that had been wearing a bracelet for a day.

After untying the bracelet, Su Tingyu felt that the sense of monitoring did not weaken because of it, but strengthened instead.

Whenever Su Tingyu made a slight move that was judged to be dangerous by the robot, the surrounding weapons would definitely shoot Su Tingyu's body into a hole within 0.01 second.

Thinking of that scene, Su Tingyu felt extremely sour.

After Su Tingyu returned to his exclusive personal cell, the cell door was locked, and the sense of monitoring Su Tingyu disappeared, but there were still some invisible eyes in the dark, staring at Su Tingyu all the time.

Su Tingyu sat on the bed, lowered his head and sniffed his own scent.

After being squeezed for a day, it is inevitable that there will be some smell on his body. Fortunately, Su Tingyu is not a constitution that sweats easily, and it looks quite refreshing.

At this time, a shower spouted from the innermost corner of the ceiling in the cell, and a second later, the shower began to sprinkle hot water.

"Huh? This is... the rhythm of taking a bath?" But there is no cover at all. The cell door where Su Tingyu is located is directly opposite to another cell, and there is a male prisoner living in it.

When Su Tingyu turned his head to look, he found that the male prisoner on the opposite side was also looking in his direction.

The furnishings in the hesitation cell were simple and there was no cover, so the eyes of the two directly collided.

When Su Tingyu found him peeping, the male prisoner was not ashamed, but whistled.

Then, he took off all his clothes and stood naked under the shower, staring at Su Tingyu flirtatiously.

Su Tingyu quickly turned his head, his face full of hot eyes.

"Damn, which zoo's door was not closed tightly, and an ugly gorilla ran out."

Su Tingyu didn't deliberately lower his voice, so he was heard by the male prisoner opposite.

The male prisoner's face froze, and he became angry, wishing he could pass through the two prison doors immediately and tear Su Tingyu to pieces.

Su Tingyu didn't use the shower to take a shower, but just washed his face and feet a little.

bath?Still stripped and washed?
Su Tingyu is not stupid.

There is surveillance in this cell at all times, and there is a hot-eyed thing on the opposite side. Su Tingyu couldn't bear to suffer this kind of crime.

After washing his hands and feet, Su Tingyu climbed back onto the bed, covered him with the quilt, and fell asleep straight away.


In the monitoring room.

There is a huge screen on the three walls, and thousands of surveillance images are being played at the same time.

And these pictures, without exception, are real-time display of prisoner's cell monitoring pictures.

"Turn out the monitoring of all young women." In the monitoring room, a gentleman and middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes gave instructions to the robot in the monitoring room.

In just two seconds, all the images of male prisoners disappeared.

The right pupil of the gentleman man had a mechanical texture, and a ray of light shot out from his right pupil, and then, a virtual display screen appeared in front of him.

And the pictures played on the screen are all female prison inmates taking a bath in the cell.

(End of this chapter)

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