Bug in survival game

Chapter 537 Island Prison 13

Chapter 537 Island Prison 13
The gentleman's eyes lingered on the many beautiful female prison inmates, and from time to time he swiped the surveillance screen to the left or right.

On the left side, the gentleman man stays longer, and the appearance and body of the female prisoner are better.

On the right, the female prison inmates have average appearances, or are in bad shape.

It's like picking out the goods, sometimes the gentleman stays for too long and will make some kind of mark on purpose.

"... Warden Zhang? What are you looking at? Are you so fascinated?"

At this time, a teasing voice sounded from behind the gentleman.

The gentleman looked back and saw an old man in a white coat, but facing the latter, even as the warden, he did not dare to be lighthearted: "Dr. Gu, today's experiment is over?"

"Hahaha, I'm waiting for the final result, and I don't need it anymore, so I just come out and walk around." Dr. Gu stepped forward a few steps, and when he saw the picture on the screen, his old eyes that had been squinting became deeper and deeper: "I don't know if Warden Zhang has picked any good goods?"

As soon as the words came out, Warden Zhang understood the meaning in seconds.

"There really are..." Warden Zhang generously shared his favorite items.

"How is this?"


"and this?"

"This one is not bad, but the front is a bit smaller..."

Warden Zhang directly released what he was most satisfied with: "This, a new arrival, a stunner, only Dr. Gu has the 'capability' to control it."

"Hahaha..." When Dr. Gu, who thought he was old and strong, heard this, his face turned into an old chrysanthemum with a smile: "Okay, that's it... Tomorrow, when I finish processing the last bit of data, please ask Prison Zhang Long delivery."

"No problem, Dr. Gu." Warden Zhang also laughed tacitly.

For a while, the atmosphere was joyous.

"The rest are very good. When my teacher comes, he must like this welcome ceremony very much." After talking about personal matters, Dr. Gu brought up a serious matter.

"Don't worry, I will check it myself, and nothing will go wrong."

"In this regard, I certainly trust Warden Zhang's vision and ability."



Throughout the night, Su Tingyu woke up several times in the middle of the night.

Su Tingyu didn't sleep well, and the feeling of being monitored all the time followed her everywhere. She wasn't so big-hearted that she could sleep to death.

Copy the next day.

Another day of oppressing the prisoners.

All inmates are forced to wake up at six in the morning, and then go to the lobby to have breakfast.

At six thirty, I started working.

The task Su Tingyu assigned this time was to milk cows in the cow shed.

It is worth mentioning that the cows here are also very weird.

When a cow is being milked, if it is touched by a male prisoner, it will show human shyness and excitement.

If it is touched by a female prisoner, it will show extremely obvious disgust and anger, and even attack the female prisoner.

Male cows don’t have milk, but they need to be fed. If they are fed by male prisoners, they will look disgusted, with their nostrils blowing into the air, and they will punch the male prisoner’s lower body from time to time when they get angry.

But if it was fed by female prison inmates... Su Tingyu saw with his own eyes a female prison inmate was thrown to the ground by an excited bull cow, licked all her saliva, and did all kinds of indescribable behaviors.

Su Tingyu's eyes are very hot when he looks at it.

The animals raised in this prison are more or less seriously ill.

(End of this chapter)

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