Bug in survival game

Chapter 573 Island Prison 49

Chapter 573 Island Prison 49
After half an hour.



The sound of a helicopter came from above.

On a stopway that has already started normal operation, there are neat queues of prison guards standing on both sides, uniformly dressed, and solemn.

After the helicopter landed safely, the doors opened.

"Prisoner, let's go." Gu Ding turned his body and motioned for Gu Qi to take the lead.

Gu Qi nodded slightly, then walked towards the helicopter, followed by some researchers beside him, including Gu Ding.

On the helicopter, an old man and a young male assistant came down slowly.

The assistant held a small suitcase in one hand, helped the old man down with the other, and then stepped aside.

"Dr. Solo, you are welcome." Gu Qi, who pretended to be the warden, showed a timely smile.

"Okay, okay..." The old man was still leaning on a cane, wearing a well-tailored gray Confucian suit, his white hair was combed and waxed, and he looked hale and hearty.

Although he is on crutches, he can walk steadily.

"Your Excellency Warden Zhang, it's a pleasure to meet you." Solo's benevolent face made people feel close and relaxed.

Gu Qi glanced slightly across the corners of the old man's eyes and forehead, and didn't see any wrinkles that ordinary old people should have, but the whole face seemed to be sprinkled with white powder, and it was still glowing white, and there was no sign of aging at all. signs.

As mentioned in the data, Solo is already 185 years old, and the longest lifespan recorded by humans in this copy world is 198 years old, and the average lifespan is 125 years old.

Originally thought that Solo had lived for so long and engaged in scientific research for a hundred years, so there might be some problems with his physical condition, but he didn't expect... Just looking at his spirit, he would not lose to a person in his tens of years.

Gu Ding passed Gu Qi, walked up to Solo, bowed his head respectfully and saluted teachers and students: "Teacher, long time no see."

"Xiao Ding, how is your life here? Is it okay?" Solo smiled and reached out and patted Gu Ding's shoulder, asking.

"Everything is fine. Although life on the island is a bit rough, it is better than being quiet and free, and able to concentrate on studying the subject of the teacher."

Solo sighed slightly: "If I were a few decades younger, I would also like to live on the island."

"Teacher, don't be humble. You are in your prime, and your body is tough, not inferior to any junior."


Solo was naturally very happy to be praised for his youth by his students, and after briefly greeting other researchers one after another, the group left the airport and walked into the room.

"Teacher, you just got off the plane, the room has been packed, you can go to rest first." Gu Ding suggested.

"No, first send CS541 safely to the laboratory." Solo waved his hand and refused: "By the way, what is the progress of your current experiment?"

"It's like this... Teacher, we haven't found the heart cloning yet..." Gu Ding began to report seriously.

"... In terms of genetic food, there has been some progress. The fruits and vegetables grown in prisons, every step of the way..."


Gu Qi has already retreated to the edge of the position, secretly watching the conversation of these people.


Gu Qi seemed to remember something, turned his head invisibly, and quietly cast his eyes on Assistant Solo in the corner... the small suitcase in his hand.

Just looking at the appearance, the surface area of ​​the small elongated suitcase is about the size of an adult man's two palms with five fingers spread out, which is not very large.

(End of this chapter)

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