Bug in survival game

Chapter 574 Island Prison 50

Chapter 574 Island Prison 50
When Assistant Solo first got off the plane, he carried the small suitcase with one hand, and now he is holding the small suitcase with one hand, but the free hand on the other side is indistinctly blocking the front of the suitcase.

The small suitcase shouldn't be very heavy, but the items stored in it...

Gu Qi quickly withdrew his gaze, in case others noticed something wrong.

"... If I remember correctly, now is the time for the prisoners to come out for labor reform?" When passing by the ranch, Solo only saw the machine running continuously, but did not see the shadow of the prisoner, so he asked.

"Oh, it's like this, because you visited the island yourself, teacher, so the warden gave those prisoners a vacation." After Gu Ding explained, he turned to look at Gu Qi: "This is all the good intentions of the warden."

Gu Qi looked up to the others calmly, his gaze was flat: "It's just a day, it won't have much impact."

"It turned out to be like this." Solo suddenly realized when he heard the reason: "It's fine if it doesn't affect..."

Gu Qi's eyes were indifferent.


Solo said that he was worried about affecting the quality of the experiment.


inside the laboratory.

Solo turned his head to look at his assistant, who quickly reacted and came over with a small suitcase.

Solo handed the crutch in his hand to Gu Ding beside him, and then took the small suitcase.

Various passwords were set in the small suitcase, and after a series of decoding, Gu Qi finally saw the true face inside.

Inside, there are five glass test tube bottles filled with unknown liquids, and the width of each tube is about the width of two fingers of an adult.

Seeing that Solo treated these test tube bottles, the expression on his face became extremely cautious. After putting them into the special mechanical storage box in the laboratory, he breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to look at them with a smile on his face. To everyone:

"My task this time is considered complete. The five potions I brought are still in the testing stage, and it took a lot of manpower and financial resources to extract this potion. Remember to be careful with it."

"is teacher."

"Understood, Doctor."


Gu Qi glanced at the location where the potion was stored, at this moment, Solo's voice suddenly came:

"Director Zhang, the safety of the laboratory still needs your attention."

Gu nodded: "It's just a matter of duty."

"That's good."

Guding suggested: "Teacher, why don't you take a look at our latest results first?"

Solo put his hands behind his back: "It's okay, take them all out."

After the words fell, all the researchers got moving.

Seeing this, Gu Qi knew that it was time for him to leave here, so he offered: "Dr. Solo, I have something to do, so I won't bother you, see you tonight."

"Okay, see you tonight."


After coming out of the laboratory, Gu Qi stood there for two seconds, then walked away.

at this time.

in the lounge.

Qu Xinyue was extremely bored, so she used the nail clippers she carried with her to sharpen her nails to pass the time.

From time to time, Qu Xinyue wanted to bring up a topic, but she was fooled by Shan Yu who was "playing stupid".

Not only to fool, but occasionally to slap Qu Xinyue.

But when Qu Xinyue was disturbed, Shan Yu turned to be troubled.

"Old aunt, what did you eat this morning..."

"Old aunt, how much makeup do you have to wear every day to cover up age spots and age lines?"

"Old aunt, tell me quietly that you will live a long life this year? Don't worry, I won't mention your friendship..."


(End of this chapter)

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