Bug in survival game

Chapter 579 Island Prison 55

Chapter 579 Island Prison 55
Ask the day organization?

Among the researchers, a plain-looking man with glasses looked at Su Tingyu in confusion.

Inwardly, I was greatly shocked——

"Someone from the organization?!"

"How dare you pretend to be Guding this time? Are you so bold that you can play?"


The inner drama of the man with glasses became more and more intense, but when he heard that he was a partner of a suspected organization, his heart dropped halfway.

"No! As a professional spy who has been lurking for many years, you can't act rashly! Let's look at the situation first... What if there is a fraud?"

This possibility does not exist.

The man with glasses has seen it before.

The scene at that time can be described as difficult to distinguish between true and false. He was stunned for a while when he saw the reversal and reversal.

Otherwise, it is definitely over!
"Wentian organization? What kind of crooked way is this!"

"...Isn't it the neurotic Wentian organization? It thinks it represents the heaven to exercise justice?"

"This kind of cancerous tissue! How could it exist!"


The man with glasses shrank his head silently. Although he was very angry in his heart and wanted to argue that he was not a psychopath, he had a righteous expression on his face: "That's right! What is asking the sky!"

...Well, it's not a curse, it's not a curse, because the great and glorious Wentian organization is nothing at all.

... I am bearing the burden on behalf of Wentian, and I believe that God will understand my difficulties.

"There are only two of them, let's go together! Take down these two ignorant psychopaths!"

"Yes! Kill them!"

"It's a pity to just kill it, it can be used as a small white mouse for experiments."


This kind of wild words popped up in almost everyone's mouth. Seeing this, Su Tingyu raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Qiqi, leave the remaining ones in the small room to you."

"Okay." A voice came from behind.

Su Tingyu raised his eyebrows confidently, and hooked his fingers. Coupled with the yellow-skinned old face with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, it was as wretched as it could be:

It's just a dozen or so, it's a small scene.

Su Tingyu was so calm.

A group of researchers, although they stay in the laboratory all day long, are all men, some of whom are younger. They only face Su Tingyu. Even without the assistance of machines, they are full of confidence at the moment.

When Su Tingyu saw a group of people rushing up to subdue her, he waved one hand——

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven... a small residual flower jumped out from the inventory.

"Go." Su Tingyu's aura was steady, and he only uttered a word lightly.

After receiving the order, the little Remnant Flowers swelled to about two meters in size, and waved their canes to slap the researchers.

"What the hell?"

"Is this a mutant species? Where did it come from?"

"Run, run, run..."


There are so many gods!

It's clearly a researcher of an unknown mutated species who is bloody and powerless! !
No martial arts! ! !

Not surprisingly, a group of relatively weak researchers were quickly tied up one by one by the little remnants.

At the beginning, the man in glasses, who was worried about not accidentally injuring his allies, hid in the edge of the corner, and became a poor person who was about to be "oppressed" by Xiao Canhua in the end.

"Wait! My own! I am an informant of the organization!"

Seeing Xiao Canhua's vines sweeping towards him, the man with glasses quickly jumped out to reveal his identity, and he was instantly attacked by the shocked and angry eyes of his former colleagues.

But the man with glasses couldn't care less.

If he doesn't come out again, he is afraid that he will be pilled!
(End of this chapter)

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