Bug in survival game

Chapter 580 Island Prison 56

Chapter 580 Island Prison 56
It happened unexpectedly.

Su Tingyu's eyes widened slightly, but she forgot that she was an old face now, and with this expression, she seemed to be glaring at people angrily, as if a volcano was about to erupt.

The boy with glasses was afraid that Su Tingyu would not believe him, so his face was filled with anxiety: "Really...really! I really am!! We are all gods! We are a family! We are tired of logging!!"

Su Tingyu blinked.

Isn't it right?

She really just mentioned it casually, did she really run into a spy from the Zhen Wentian organization? !

"Do you believe me? Do I look like a fool?" Su Tingyu raised his chin slightly, with a threatening and intimidating face:

"I'll give you ten seconds to self-identify, otherwise, you'll be the first to click!" As he spoke, he put the five fingers of his right hand together in front of his neck, and made a "click" gesture.

"Don't, don't, don't!" The man in glasses waved his hands quickly, his brain started to run fast, trying to come up with some evidence to prove his innocence.

Suddenly, the man with glasses caught a glimpse of the motionless machine beside him, and his face beamed with joy:
"All the machines and equipment in the laboratory are suddenly unusable and fall into standby mode. You have used the organization's shield!"

Hearing this, Su Tingyu's eyes fluctuated slightly.


It can't really be a spy, can it?

"I provided the machine data in various parts of the prison, so the shielding device can easily block all the machines in the prison."

"As for the limitation of the shielding device, the shielding range is not large enough at present, and there is no way to shield the entire prison." Speaking of this, the man with glasses unconsciously felt a little regretful.

"You spies!"

"Good job, Yan Qing! So you did something good!"


When the researchers heard that the man with glasses was the culprit for the unusable machine, they all broke their defenses and began to curse.

Yan Qing can't care so much now, in order to prove his identity, he also revealed his code name and position in Wentian organization.

"My name is Yan Qing, I am 59 years old, male, I like female..."

"...I have worked hard for Wentian! I have shed blood for Wentian! I have endured humiliation for Wentian! I have endured humiliation and endured humiliation for Wentian! I am a great hero for Wentian!!!"

After some operations, Su Tingyu was a little dumbfounded.

This big brother's desire to survive is very powerful!

"Ahem, I believe you for the time being." Since he pretended to be the Wentian Organization at the beginning, Su Tingyu simply pretended to be the end, "However, if there is any change in you, I will throw you to feed Hua as soon as possible!"

As soon as Su Tingyu's words fell, the seven small remnants of flowers opened their large buds in unison, revealing the stamens inside which could be called iron teeth.Threatening Yan Qing.

"Absolutely not! Absolutely not!" Yan Qing quickly expressed his opinion.

"Okay then, go and bring me all the CS541s." Su Tingyu, the labor force sent to the door for nothing, immediately issued the first order.

"Okay!" Yan Qing cheered up, knowing that he was temporarily out of danger, and now it was his turn to hand in the nomination certificate.

"Yan Qing! You white-eyed wolf who eats inside and out!" Dr. Zhao held CS541 tightly, he didn't dare to rush forward, and there were several unbound researchers standing in front of him.

"Uh... this... my lord, can I ask your little plants to do me a favor? Keep all these people in check?"

Although Yan Qing wanted to submit a nomination certificate, he didn't really want to be reckless.

It's okay to bully Dr. Zhao, a hundred-year-old man who is still sick, but he has to face the siege of several men.

Umm... does he look silly?

(End of this chapter)

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