Bug in survival game

Chapter 585 Island Prison 60

Chapter 585 Island Prison 60
For some reason, Gu Ding felt uneasy in his heart.

It always felt like... what happened?

For the following performance, Gu Ding was also bored, so he got up and left.

"Doctor, do you want to go back to your room to rest?" Qu Xinyue followed Gu Ding, holding the latter's arm, and asked softly.

Gu Ding pushed Qu Xinyue's body away: "You go back first, I have to go to the laboratory."

"Okay." Qu Xinyue replied obediently.

After Qu Xinyue left on her own, Gu Ding rushed towards the laboratory alone.

On weekdays, Guding only works during the day, and rarely stays in the laboratory at night.

And tonight I suddenly want to go to the laboratory to see.

When he came to the gate of the experimental area, before Guding entered, he saw a white figure standing in front of the beverage machine inside the gate.

Gu Ding took a closer look and found that it was an old acquaintance in the laboratory - Dr. Zhao.

"Dr. Zhao, how did you come out?" Gu Ding walked over and greeted with a smile.

Dr. Zhao turned his head, saw the person coming, and said: "The laboratory is a little stuffy, and seeing those equipment and data, I can't help it...so I had to come out to get some air, and I will go back soon."

Guding glanced at the door of the laboratory, which was still closed tightly, as if everything was normal: "Is there any problem in the laboratory?"

"Everything is fine." Dr. Zhao replied casually, "By the way, Dr. Solo is leaving tomorrow morning?"

"Yes, there is still work for the teacher." Gu Ding nodded, and then his face turned slightly regretful: "It's a pity that I can't keep the teacher for more time."

Dr. Zhao pointed in the direction of the laboratory with his drink finger: "Then I'll go back to the laboratory first. You have to send Dr. Solo off tomorrow, so you have to rest early."

"Okay okay..."

Gu Ding sent people away with a smile. After watching Dr. Zhao walk into the laboratory, the door of the laboratory closed again. He stood there for a few seconds, and finally chose to turn around and leave.

"What could happen? Isn't everything fine..." Gu Ding laughed at his sensitivity in his heart, and then put the matter behind him.

Thinking that there was still a stunner waiting for him in the room, Gu Ding suddenly became hot all over his body, and his pace accelerated a lot...

in the laboratory.

Yan Qing looked at the "Dr. Zhao" who had come back from the dead in front of him, and opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"Fortunately, I've defended myself." Su Tingyu pretended to be "Dr. Zhao" and spoke with a hint of rejoicing in his tone: "Now there should be no problem. Let's wait a little longer and go back."

Qin Qi: "Well."

After waiting for another half an hour and confirming that there was no problem, the two came out of the laboratory.

As soon as he came out, the fat man came to meet him.

"Oh, I'm going, I was scared to death. I thought Guding was going to enter the laboratory." Fatty was still in fear. If it wasn't for Dahui and the others who discovered that Guding was coming, they would probably be exposed.

"It's okay, it's okay, he's lucky~" Su Tingyu didn't feel it. If Guding really found something wrong, then Su Tingyu and the others could only kill Guding first.

Su Tingyu and the others had nothing to lose.

Moreover, Gu Ding was the one who made the money, and he lived an extra night.

"Let's go, let's go back and let Da Hui and the others stay behind and stare at that Yan Qing in the dark."

It is naturally impossible for Su Tingyu to hand over the important task of staying behind in the laboratory to keep secrets to a stranger he just met.

In the original plan, someone among the three of Su Tingyu left behind, but now this accident happened.

(End of this chapter)

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