Bug in survival game

Chapter 586 Island Prison 61

Chapter 586 Island Prison 61
In the warden's bedroom.

After the three of Su Tingyu came back, Gu Qi asked aloud:
"all the best?"

Su Tingyu nodded: "It's okay, the general plan is going well, there's just a little accident."

Immediately, Su Tingyu told the story of Yan Qing and Gu Ding's return.

"Well, we'll have to wait until tomorrow." Knowing that Su Tingyu had also taken precautionary measures, Gu Qi didn't ask any more questions.

Even if Gu Qi didn't believe Su Tingyu, he still had to believe that with Qin Qi present, nothing would go wrong.

After simply discussing matters, several people went to rest separately.


Silent all night.


Day [-] of the copy.

[Dungeon time: 6:30]

"Susu... Susu... got up."

In a daze, Su Tingyu half-opened one eye, saw that it was Shan Yu, turned over, and was about to continue sleeping.

"Susu, get up." Seeing this, Shan Yu had no choice but to gently push Su Tingyu's arm again.

"...Huh?" Su Tingyu closed his open right eye, then opened the other eye, dazed for two seconds, gradually regained consciousness, and said to himself: "...yes, today is my release from prison good day~”

Su Tingyu sat up, his eyes were sleepy, and then he raised his hand and rubbed his big eyes.

"Susu, come out and have breakfast, Qin Qi has already left." Shan Yu walked to the edge of the door and turned around.

"Hmm? Qiqi is gone?" Su Tingyu jumped out of bed and put on her shoes.

Shan Yu: "That's right, I went out right after breakfast, and so did Fatty, they went to check in early."

"Is that so..." Su Tingyu put on his shoes and left the room with Shan Yu.

Gu Qi was the only person left outside.

Su Tingyu took out the bread from the inventory and gnawed it by himself.

"When will Solo leave?" Su Tingyu asked while eating.

Gu Qi: "Morning, eight o'clock."

"Well, I'll go to the laboratory first." Su Tingyu took another bite of the bread.


After eating and drinking, Su Tingyu touched his chubby belly, then packed lightly and rushed to the experimental area.


[Dungeon time: 7:40]

After almost the same time, Gu Qi and Shan Yu also started to leave.

The same as when we were greeted yesterday, among the people who went to the airport to greet them this morning, there were only a few researchers who were working hard on science.

"Guding, you must make good use of the things I sent you..."

When Gu Qi arrived at the airport, he saw Solo and Gu Ding talking about something.

"I will, teacher." Gu Ding nodded solemnly.

"You've been here for several years, and when you've decided to go back? Remember to let me know."

"Understood, teacher."


When Gu Qi walked over, the two seemed to sense that someone was approaching, so they stopped talking and looked over together.

"Morning, Mr. Warden."

"Morning, Dr. Solo, Dr. Gu." Gu Qi looked at Solo: "Good luck, Doctor."

"Haha, okay, I will come to the island again when I have a chance."

Hearing this, Gu Qi curled his lips slightly: "Okay, the doctor is always welcome."

"It's almost time. It's time to board the plane. Goodbye, everyone." After bidding farewell to the people present, Solo asked his assistant to help him board the helicopter.

Gu Qi followed the crowd to retreat, and his eyes slowly deviated, falling in the direction of the helicopter pilot's seat.

After Solo boarded the helicopter, the plane took off normally within half a minute.

Then, slowly, it flew high into the sky and turned into a black dot...

(End of this chapter)

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