Bug in survival game

Chapter 587 Island Prison 62

Chapter 587 Island Prison 62
"Doctor Gu is going back to the experiment? Why don't we go together?"

After the shadow of the plane completely disappeared in the sky, Gu Qi turned his head to look at Gu Ding and said.

In the daily itinerary of the warden, there is also a record of going to the laboratory every day, so it is not awkward to mention that he goes with him.

Sure enough, Guding was not suspicious: "Okay."

After Solo left, Gu Ding no longer concealed the existence of Qu Xinyue, and wanted to take people to the laboratory openly.

Since Gu Ding can take people, it seems reasonable to take someone as a "prison warden".

Although Gu Ding was surprised, he thought that the warden and him were both "gentlemen", so he felt that the reason came out of his brain.

"Director Zhang, the results sent by my teacher are extremely important. Maybe in the next month, I will spend more time in the experiment. In addition, the number of experimental targets may be insufficient and need to be expanded."

On the way to the laboratory, Gu Ding discussed matters with the "warden".

"Yes, just report the quantity you need, and I will send it on time." Gu Qi nodded indifferently, anyway, this dungeon will be cleared soon.


the other end.

on the helicopter.

After getting on the plane, Solo just sat on the seat, glanced over, and found out why the pilot turned into a fat man?
When Mingming came, the driver was relatively thin.

"Xiao Liu." Solo called out to his assistant.

The assistant standing on the edge of the plane door heard the summons and came over.

"Sir, what's the matter?"

Solo's gaze never left the driver's back, and he secretly lowered his voice: "...Go, check on that driver's situation."

But before Solo received the assistant's response, a short gust of wind blew past his ears, and Solo was suddenly hit hard on the back of the neck!

Solo's eyes suddenly turned black, and he fell softly on the seat.

"what happened?

At this time, the "driver" who heard the movement turned his head, and the fat man's round face was exposed. He looked at the assistant man with an unfamiliar face: "Brother Qin, how are you?"

Hearing this, the "assistant" turned his head and glanced at the fainted Solo: "It's ok."

"That's great! What are we going to do now?"

An ancient bronze sword appeared in Qin Qi's hand, and his voice came out from his lips calmly: "Turn around and concentrate on flying the plane."

"Oh, okay." The fat man turned his head obediently.

Two seconds later, the fat man heard a throat wipe behind him, and there seemed to be the sound of blood splashing on the ground.

Below the helicopter is the vast sea.

Qin Qi pushed open the door of the plane, threw the body down, watched the body completely fall into the sea with his own eyes, and then closed the door of the plane.

"Let's go to the nearby island and wait for news from Big Yu and the others." Qin Qi said.

"Okay, Brother Qin."

on the sky.

The helicopter, which was flying straight all the way, made a big turn, went to the original flying route, deviated from a small angle, and then flew back.

【Attention players who participated in the hidden mission 'The Other Side of the Laboratory'!The hidden mission progress has been updated! 】

[Hidden mission progress: 75%]

at this time.

The other three people in the island prison also received the notification from the panel at the same time.

Gu Qi turned off the panel in front of him, and seemed to glance in the direction of Qu Xinyue inadvertently. The latter was looking at Shan Yu who just jumped out of the panel, and didn't notice his situation.

...It should be the effect of the disguise potion, she couldn't see her panel.

Gu Qi looked back.

(End of this chapter)

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