Bug in survival game

Chapter 589 Island Prison 64

Chapter 589 Island Prison 64
Gu Ding wanted to call out the intelligent machines that were ubiquitous in the prison, but after yelling several times in a row, there was no response at all.

"What's going on?!" Gu Ding's face gradually became ugly.

Seeing this, Su Tingyu showed a meaningful smile.

After Gu Ding came in, the moment the laboratory door closed, Su Tingyu, who was staying in the small room, heard the movement and turned on the jammer.

Outside the laboratory, Su Tingyu still kept the big gray and they were guarding another shield.

"Okay, after living for so long, you have lived enough." Su Tingyu approached Guding little by little with a stick on his shoulder.

In a panic, Gu Ding caught sight of Gu Qi and Shan Yu behind Su Tingyu, and suddenly he was relieved, and laughed: "Even if the machine doesn't work, there are four of us, just the two of you? Want to kill us?"

After finishing speaking, Gu Ding eagerly shouted to Gu Qi: "Director Zhang! There are only two of them! Let's catch them together!"

Hearing this, Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes.

This poor old man can't see the situation clearly.

"Okay, Ye Chang Meng has many dreams, get rid of him quickly." Behind Su Tingyu, the voice of the 'prison warden' came.

"Oh." Su Tingyu responded casually, retracted the meteor stick, and took out the death blade instead.

When Gu Ding was amazed, when the blade of Death Blade had touched Gu Ding's skin, dark purple fireworks suddenly burst out, burning his soul, and pulling it out little by little.

"Ah ah ah..."

"Zhang Manfeng! You traitor..."

In the last time of his life, Gu Ding understood the truth.

But he only thought that the warden had gone crazy and rebelled, but he could no longer guess that the real warden was dead, and the one in front of him was just a fake warden.

[Attention all players participating in the hidden quest 'The Other Side of the Laboratory'!The hidden mission progress has been updated! 】

[Hidden mission progress: 95%]

There is still 5% of the task progress.

Su Tingyu looked at the panel that popped up, and guessed that the last 5% should be to completely destroy the entire laboratory and complete the main task.


Qu Xinyue, who had been standing in the corner watching the play, suddenly applauded and smiled.

When Gu Ding was killed, Qu Xinyue didn't even bat an eyelid, let alone save someone.

"This auntie player, are you still running?" Su Tingyu asked curiously as he watched Qu Xinyue didn't move for half a minute.

aunt? ?
Qu Xinyue's face froze for a moment.

"This sister is joking, and there is no conflict between us. We are all trying to escape from the prison and complete the main task." A nail clipper suddenly appeared in Qu Xinyue's palm, and she leaned her back against the wall, pretending to do it. She started grinding her nails like that, and said with a smile.

The sudden appearance of nail clippers?

Su Tingyu looked at Qu Xinyue squarely. The latter had already lifted the restrictions on the inventory, and could use the inventory freely?

"Who said there is no such thing." Shan Yu took a few steps forward, showing a sweet smile towards Qu Xinyue: "Old aunt, you are the target of my personal mission, please sacrifice, I am still a cute new player , need this mission reward very much.”

The smile on Qu Xinyue's face gradually disappeared: "That is nothing to talk about~"

"You... what are you talking about?"

When the atmosphere of the scene was tense, Yan Qing's weak voice suddenly floated out.

Su Tingyu turned his head and walked away, raised his hand, and knocked the man unconscious with the handle of the Death Blade.

Qu Xinyue sized up a few people, then changed the topic: "This is just a personal task. You want to help her, but you have no benefit at all. Why do you do such a thing that asks for trouble?"

"How about this, what do you want, make a price."

(End of this chapter)

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