Bug in survival game

Chapter 590 Island Prison 65

Chapter 590 Island Prison 65

Ever since he reminded Su Tingyu just now, Gu Qi, who had been silent all the time, suddenly opened his mouth, muttering softly, as if he was asking a question.

"Yes, any conditions and any price are fine. Do you want to think about it?" Qu Xinyue winked as if no one else was around, her tone was ambiguous and suggestive.

"Heh." Gu Qi's face was cold, and every word he uttered seemed to be mixed with ice picks: "Cheap, disgusting... Do you really think that everyone is just a marionette in your hands? At your mercy?"

Taking care of his right hand hanging by his side, he slightly hooked his fingertips.

In an instant, Qu Xinyue's complexion changed drastically, and she wanted to escape from the spot, but she couldn't move... because, at some point, countless transparent threads stretched out around her body.

That thin silk thread, which seemed to be broken when pulled, shone with a little bit of cold light, silently, revealing the sharpness of a blade.

Qu Xinyue tried to move her arm, and in the next second, there was a scratch on her fair skin.

The silk thread cut through the skin and cut the flesh inside.

Qu Xinyue lowered her head and glanced at her wound: "Who are you?"

"The person who kills you, whether it's a game or reality."

The words fall.

The silk thread binding Qu Xinyue's body suddenly tightened!cut!
Dozens of bloody wounds appeared all over Qu Xinyue's body, and the wounds are still increasing!

"Very good, don't let me find you~" Qu Xinyue felt the pain coming from her face, she didn't even need to look in the mirror, she knew she was disfigured.

The effect of the disguise potion had just ended, and when Qu Xinyue saw the man who was two meters away from her in front of her, there were some slight changes in her figure and body shape.

It seems to be a little taller, and the slightly hunched back is more straight and loose.

Taking off the last mask, in Qu Xinyue's eyes, this is a very young face with a hint of strangeness.

But the lines of the face revealed a certain familiar outline, just like the man she occasionally recalled...

Now, even if he doesn't die, he should be a greasy uncle. How could he be so young?
The person in front of me can only be...

"So...it's you." Qu Xinyue's gloomy face suddenly changed from cloudy to clear, even ignoring the open wound on her face, she laughed wantonly after realizing it: "It's been a long time, my dear ... from a young age."

"That's right, you've grown up, you've become an adult, and you look... more like Gu Yan."

Qu Xinyue stared fixedly at Gu Qi, with a trace of obsession in her eyes, as if she was looking at a certain person through the latter.

"Shut up." Gu Qi frowned, a trace of disgusted anger flashed in his eyes: "You don't deserve to mention him."

Qu Xinyue didn't care about Gu Qi's usual dislike for her: "Speaking of which, it seems that I should also go back to China to meet my family."

"By the way, remember to say hello to Gu Yan with me."

Gu Qi said in a deep voice: "He is dead."

"Tsk, boring." Qu Xinyue curled her lips, and accidentally pulled the wound at the corner of her mouth, bleeding a lot: "It's still not exactly the same, Xiao Qi, Gu Yan is not as... good as you~"

After saying that, Qu Xinyue vomited blood and couldn't help but bend down.

On her lower abdomen, a dagger was inserted at this moment.

Qu Xinyue looked at the wound, the more she smiled, the happier she became, her expression was like a lunatic: "Thank you for reminding me, I will come back to find you..."

After finishing speaking, Qu Xinyue's neck was completely cut off, and her entire head fell to the ground, her eyes stared at the boss, she could not rest in peace.

(End of this chapter)

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