Bug in survival game

Chapter 599 Fanwai: Gu Family Prequel 2

Chapter 599 Fanwai: Gu Family Prequel 2
"This is the Gu family."

One year, an 11-year-old boy was brought back to the Gu family by Gu Yan, causing many people to speculate on the boy's identity.

No one knew that when the boy tried to call "Father", he was directly thrown into the small dark room by Gu Yan to reflect.

As for what to reflect on, the young and ignorant boy didn't understand. He only knew that he had done something wrong that made the Patriarch angry.

Later, he didn't say those two words again, it was like a taboo, he couldn't touch it, and he couldn't ask for it.


Since the old man of the Gu family passed away, all the offshoots of the Gu family have moved out, leaving only Gu Yan's lineage, and the old house of the Gu family has become deserted.

Gu Yan, on the other hand, has a wife and no children.

Gu Yan is away all year round, and no one knows what he is doing.

After the boy was brought back by Gu Yan, he rarely had the chance to see the latter again.

In the old house, apart from the stern-faced security guards and the expressionless servants, they are all busy with their own work. No one will specifically care about an 11-year-old child.

In the old house, apart from not being able to go out, the boy was almost left alone. When it was meal time, the servants would bring freshly prepared food to the dining table, and after an hour, the servants would come to clear the tableware.

At first, the boy didn't dare to walk around casually, and just stayed in the room, because he was afraid that if he did something wrong, he would be kicked out by that man.

Two months passed quickly, and the boy gradually adapted to the life in the old house. The curiosity of the child also made him gradually bold.

From the beginning, he only moved between the room and the dining table downstairs. Now, he has walked through most of the rooms in the old house, except for some locked ones, which he cannot enter.

Then, the boy walked out of the gate of the old house.

The outside of the old house, with a radius of more than ten miles, has been fenced off and has become the territory of the Gu family.

The outer periphery is the courtyard gate and courtyard wall of the old house.

There were many security guards in the front yard, so the boy didn't dare to go there, so he naturally ran to the back yard.

In the backyard, many varieties of trees and flowers are planted, like a secret garden.

The boy strolled in the garden for a while, just when he thought there was no one here, there was a figure standing in front of a flowerbed at the corner.

is a woman.

The boy didn't want to be discovered, and when he was about to turn his head and run away secretly, he tripped over his feet and fell hard when he didn't pay attention.

"Hiss..." When he fell down, he subconsciously supported the ground with his hands, and now his palms were burning. The boy looked down, and it turned out that the skin had been scratched.

Hearing the movement, the woman looked over and found the boy.

The woman held a little girl-like rag doll in her hands, her eyes were quiet, and when she saw the scratch on the boy's hand, she frowned slightly: "Ah, hurt? Does the hand hurt?" As she spoke, the woman Crouching down to examine the boy's hands.

The woman had a scent of plants and flowers, and as soon as she approached, the boy felt that his whole body was surrounded by this gentle breath.

"No...it's okay." The boy subconsciously moved back.

Ever since he came to the old house, the boy found that no one here would like him, and some servants looked at him with veiled contempt.

The boy didn't understand what he did wrong, and no one told him what was wrong and how to correct it.

"Don't be afraid, let me take a look." Seeing some fine sand seeping into the broken skin of the boy's palm, the woman lowered her head slightly, exhaled lightly into the boy's palm, and blew away the fine sand.

"Come on, take you to treat the wound, okay?"

The boy stared blankly at the gentle and watery woman in front of him, his porcelain-white face faintly flushed with blush.

His voice was low, with a hint of softness: "...um." Thank you.

The boy was lifted up by the woman, and then she took him to the nearest small villa.

This is not the main house, but the woman seems to be very familiar with the villa, and found the medicine box with ease.

"It won't hurt soon~ Don't be afraid." While cleaning the wound, the woman's gentle voice kept comforting the boy.

The boy blinked his round and beautiful cat pupils, his face was flushed, "Thank you... Auntie."

"So polite?" The woman's voice was brisk, with a hint of ridicule, which easily made the shy boy even more embarrassed.

During the next few weeks, whenever the boy was free, he went to the woman.

The boy didn't know why, he really wanted to get close to his aunt, maybe because his aunt was the first person to show kindness to him.

He stayed beside the woman quietly, watering the flowers, weeding the weeds, and coaxing the doll to sleep with her.

until one day.

The current head of the Gu family, Gu Yan, publicly announced the boy's identity and admitted that he is his own blood. For a while, both the capital and the Gu family were no longer calm.

The day.

As always, the boy wanted to find his aunt, but as soon as he entered the gate of the villa, in the living room, he saw Patriarch Gu whom he hadn't seen for many days...and his aunt.

The appearance of the boy also attracted the attention of the two of them.

At this time, the look of the woman looking at the boy lost the tenderness of the past, but became very indifferent, and pointed at the boy, questioning Gu Yan:

"Who is he? Gu Yan, tell me, who exactly did you bring back?!"

"You let him go! Let him go!!"

"What he eats, wears, and uses...these all belong to our children...should belong to our children..."


While talking, the woman suddenly burst into tears, hugged the doll that had never left her body, and collapsed to the ground.

Gu Yan silently half-kneeled in front of the woman, hugging the latter.

There is no justification and there is no justification.

Wrong is wrong.

"There will be... Our child will..." Gu Yan kept comforting the woman.

"Ayan, the Gu family needs an heir now..."

"So you made one? Gu Yan, if I delay you, you can get a divorce..."

"Ayan, calm down for a while, okay..."


Finally, the boy ran back to his room in a daze.

The boy huddled in the corner of the room, and the hysterical image of the woman kept flashing in his mind... When those eyes that were originally gentle and smiling looked at him again, it was as if he saw some kind of disgusting garbage.

That kind of look... The boy only felt that his heart was stuffy, but he couldn't tell what it was like.

After an unknown amount of time, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Immediately afterwards, a questioning voice came:

"Who let you out?"

It's the head of the house.

The boy raised his head with difficulty, opened his mouth slightly, and wanted to say something.

But when he met Gu Yan's eyes full of disgust and hatred, he found that he didn't seem to know what to say.

"Tomorrow, I will send someone to send you out of the old house."

Gu Yan didn't seem to really want to hear the boy's explanation, so he left the room quickly without looking back.

No punishment, no name-calling.

However, for some reason, the boy suddenly felt uncomfortable and a little bit wronged.

Did he do something wrong again?

Can anyone tell him what he did wrong.

Unknowingly, the boy's eyes were covered with mist, and soon, a drop of water dripped on the floor in front of him.

"Huh?" The boy raised his hand hesitantly, wiped his eyes, and felt wet in the palm of his hand.

... On that day, an ordinary day for many people, there was a boy huddled in the corner of the room, crying silently.

That was also the last time the boy shed tears without disappointment.

When no one cares and feels distressed, tears are useless things.

The next day.

Gu Yan kept his promise, someone came early in the morning and took the boy away.

The boy was thrown on a deserted island, and what greeted him were all kinds of devil training.

The instructor in charge of the training strictly followed the progress of the training schedule. If the boy did not finish that day, he would be locked up in a small dark room at night.

Later, the boy was taken to many places, including tropical rainforests, snow-capped deserts, and foreign countries, without exception, all for training.


14 years old.

one day.

On Gu's private plane.

While half asleep and half awake, the instructors’ voices came from beside the boy’s ears:

"An illegitimate child, I really don't know why Lord Yan spent so much effort to cultivate..."

"Yan Ye's wife couldn't conceive, Yan Ye was under pressure, so he had to find this illegitimate son..."

"By the way, Lord Yan has always loved his wife very much, why would there be an illegitimate child?"

"Who knows..."


illegitimate child?
The last drowsiness of the boy was gone, but he still closed his eyes and pretended not to wake up.

The boy who is no longer ignorant and ignorant knows the meaning of these three words very well.

It turned out that it wasn't that he did anything wrong, but that his existence was itself a mistake.

On the plane to the country, the boy's mind was in turmoil.

He unconsciously thought of the man's indifferent and disgusted face the day before he left the old house, and the last time he saw his aunt at that time. The gentleness in her eyes was no longer there, but hatred and disgust were replaced...

After getting off the plane, the boy sneaked away.

To be more precise, he didn't want to go back.

...Wandering outside for a few months, when he was caught and returned, without accident, he was locked up in a small dark room again.

After three days of starvation, the door of the small black room opened.

And it wasn't a certain instructor who came in, it was that man.

Gu Yan asked condescendingly, "Want to leave the Gu family?"

The boy was silent and did not respond.

"It seems that you still can't figure out where you are?" Gu Yan snorted lightly, bent down slowly, and suddenly grabbed the boy's throat with his right hand: "Are you curious why I keep you and don't find you anymore?" strangle you? That's because... your good mother, understand?"

"The reason for keeping you is to find your mother. I will make her pay the price. Whether it is the calculation that night, or my wife's inability to conceive later... all will be settled!"


At this moment, the boy clearly realized that he was nothing in the eyes of men.

If there is a choice, men don't want to exist in this world at all.

As for himself, he was just treated as a pawn.

A chess piece that can solve the problem of forced marriage for him, and a chess piece that can take revenge on his biological mother.

When one day, the chess piece completes the task, it loses its value.

Perhaps, it should not continue to exist.

(End of this chapter)

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