Bug in survival game

Chapter 600 Shan Yu's Transaction

Chapter 600 Shan Yu's Transaction

"Sister Yu, Director Ji has a movie that is about to start shooting recently. He contacted me and wanted to ask you to play an important role." A curly-haired woman walked into the dressing room with her mobile phone and excitedly told Shan the news. feather.

Shan Yu stood in front of the full-length mirror, turned around in a circle, and said calmly: "Push."

When the curly-haired woman heard this, she hesitated: "This... Sister Yu, that's Director Ji's movie, and Director Ji's meaning is beyond words, this time it is very likely that you are invited to play the heroine, if the movie can be a hit Hong, then Sister Yu, your label of Wannian No. [-] is expected to be wiped off."

Shan Yu seemed to think about it for a while, and then replied: "Wannian female second, very good."

"I'm sorry to Director Ji, I'm not in a good state recently, and I don't have time to participate in the show."

Seeing that Shan Yu had already made up her mind, the curly-haired woman could only obey: "...Okay, Sister Yu."

"Sister, you don't have much work for the second half of the year, are you sure you don't want to take any more?"

Shan Yu said decisively, "No."

Anyway, the money she earned in the past few years is enough for her to spend until she is 30 years old. As for the future... Shan Yu didn't think about the future anymore.

Because, she didn't need to think, she didn't look back.

"Okay, hold the phone for me, and give it to me after I finish filming this scene." Shan Yu pointed to the phone placed on the table.

"Okay, Sister Yu." The curly-haired woman also often does things like keeping Shan Yu's personal belongings, which is also her own responsibility.

When the curly-haired woman picked up Shan Yu's mobile phone, the screen of the mobile phone suddenly lit up, indicating that a call had been made.

"Sister Yu, someone is calling." Seeing that there was no note and the woman with curly hair couldn't get through directly, she handed it to Shan Yu first.

Shan Yu took the phone and glanced at the phone number.

"You go out and wait for me first, I'll answer the phone."

"Oh, yes, Sister Yu." The curly-haired woman wondered who was calling, and she didn't look like someone from the circle.

But adhering to the principle of asking less, the curly-haired woman went straight out of the dressing room.And close the door.

After they left, Shan Yu got connected:
"Hey, it's me."

"Single Star, I agree to the deal you mentioned earlier, and we can trade at a time and place." A male voice came from the other end of the call.

"Okay, then at eight o'clock tonight, the location is..." Shan Yu told the other party the location of a restaurant he secretly managed.

"Okay, see you at eight o'clock tonight."


eight pm.

After a day of filming, Shan Yu gave the curly-haired woman and the driver a short vacation, and then drove to the agreed place to attend the appointment.

In a private room.

Shan Yu pushed the door open and came in, there was already someone inside.

Seeing Shan Yu coming, the man stood up to greet him: "Shan Xingxing, hello."

"You don't have to be polite, there are 200 million in the card." Shan Yu held a bank card in his fingertips, and deliberately exposed it to the ordinary-dressed man in front of him for confirmation.

"Okay, okay." The man saw the bank card with a real smile on his face.

In front of the man, a player panel appeared.

"Then according to the agreement of the transaction, I will trade that token to you right now." With that said, the man started to operate the panel.

After a few seconds, Shan Yu opened his panel and received a message.

Click to open it, and there is a keepsake prop inside.

After confirming that it was a real keepsake, Shan Yu handed the bank card to the man.

"Thank you, thank you..." When the man got this bank card, it was as if he was grasping a life-saving straw.

(End of this chapter)

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