Bug in survival game

Chapter 606 Nightmare Labyrinth 1

Chapter 606 Nightmare Labyrinth 1
"The number of contributors this month is not enough, what should we do?"

"Could it be possible to draw lots? My family lost someone last month."

"...Patriarch, we found several carriages with dozens of unconscious people inside."

"People? Patriarch, isn't this just right, bring these people of unknown origin to the Nightmare God..."

"That's right, patriarch, these are all ready-made tributes!"

"OK then……"


In a carriage.

Su Tingyu quietly raised the curtain of the car and looked outside.

In the carriage, there were still two men and two women lying with their eyes closed.

Su Tingyu had checked in advance, and they were all players.

As for why I can't open my eyes...

When Su Tingyu first entered the dungeon, she felt a mysterious force trying to control her, preventing her from opening her eyes and waking up.

Then, Su Tingyu struggled tentatively...and opened his eyes.

I thought it was just a coincidence, but seeing that other players were in a state of no resistance, Su Tingyu realized that there was a big problem here.

As for the conversations of the NPCs outside, Su Tingyu could hear them, a little confused.

Contributor?Nightmare God?And the patriarch?
Su Tingyu feels that the world of this round of dungeons is not a very normal world.

When Su Tingyu looked out, he could only see layers of fog near the carriage. Except for the NPC driving the carriage, it was difficult to see even the figures of the NPCs further away.

Not understanding the situation here, Su Tingyu could only check the information of this round of dungeons first.

[Dungeon: Nightmare Labyrinth]

[Background: This is a land that believes in the true god. In ancient times, gods and demons danced wildly, the stars turned against each other, the gods fell, and the demons were shattered. It is difficult to find miracles in the world...but just a few months ago, countless strange shapes The building suddenly appeared, surrounded by clouds and mist, making it difficult to see the true face, but the person who stepped into the mysterious building had no news. Just when people were panicking, the mysterious building sent out a divine voice that seemed to come from the real god, warning all beings, on the first day of each month , it is necessary to find a number of tributes to enter it, otherwise, everyone will face the disaster of extinction...]

【Number of players: 44】

[Main quest: Enter the Nightmare Labyrinth (to be refreshed)]

[Difficulty: Nine Stars]

[Duration: Unlimited (all players in this copy are eliminated or players complete all main tasks, the copy can be ended)]

[Rewards for customs clearance: After clearing the customs, you can get a certain amount of game coins, with a probability of obtaining game props and lucky draw opportunities, and with a probability of obtaining free attribute points]

[Failure penalty: 10000 game coins and 20000 experience points will be deducted, and 5-50 attribute points will be randomly weakened]

Nightmare God?maze?God really descended?
"However, what does the tribute represent? Contribution? Tribute? There is a 'true god' living in the labyrinth. Could it be that these tributes are the food sent in?" Su Ting Yuyan twitched slightly.

This feels a little uncomfortable wow.

However, on the main task, it is clearly stated that you need to enter the maze, so you can only temporarily "let it be slaughtered".

"Will the players 'wake up' after they enter?" Su Tingyu wondered to himself.

Then go in and find Qin Qi first.

Qin Qi should be in one of the carriages at this moment.

This round of dungeon turned out to be a nine-star dungeon, which is even more difficult than the [-]-mile-under-the-sea dungeon... We must act more cautiously.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the carriage stopped.

Su Tingyu immediately lay down on the carriage, and then closed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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