Bug in survival game

Chapter 607 Nightmare Labyrinth 2

Chapter 607 Nightmare Labyrinth 2
Su Tingyu only felt that he was dragged down roughly, and then carried away like a chicken.

Seeing that the other players showed no sign of 'waking up', Su Tingyu couldn't stand alone, so he could only endure it silently.

Su Tingyu only felt that he was thrown on the ground casually, and his back suddenly felt sore.

emmmmm... who threw mine? !

Seems like everyone just throws it casually?

After reading this, Su Tingyu's mind became a little more balanced.

"Go, go, go..."

"hurry up……"


After bringing the people, the footsteps of the NPCs were very flustered, as if they didn't dare to stay here for a second.

While all the NPCs were only focused on leaving and didn't notice the situation of Su Tingyu and the others, Su Tingyu quietly opened one eye.

With a quick glance, Su Tingyu only saw a figure from behind... that was the NPC who threw him.


The little fairy remembers you!
"Wow! I can finally move..."

"It hurts me to death, who the hell just threw me..."

"Damn! Who put me on me?"


Seeing that the other players could move, Su Tingyu stood up pretendingly.

"Let me take a look... Where is Qiqi?"

Everyone stopped in front of a giant gate. Except for this gate, all they could see were fog and tree shadows.

Su Tingyu looked up, the sky was gray, and some dark unknown birds would fly out of the sky from time to time.

Hmm... The atmosphere of the environment is pretty good, it would be better if it was replaced by a crow.

"What are you looking at?"

"Looking at the bird... huh? Qiqi!" Su Tingyu turned his head, seeing the person coming, his eyes were filled with surprise.

Qin Qi stretched out his hand, helped Su Tingyu straighten his crooked collar, and explained by the way:

"Oh." Su Tingyu didn't pay much attention, and moved closer, but his cute little head was not idle, looking left and right at the situation of other players.

"Hey, Qiqi, I seem to see someone I know~" When Su Tingyu saw a familiar figure unexpectedly, he immediately told Qin Qi.

"Gu Jiu, Sister Shan Yu, this way~" Su Tingyu jumped up and down, waving her little hand vigorously.

Take care?

Qin Qi then turned his head to look, and saw that Gu Qi had noticed that the two were here and was walking towards this side.

"What a coincidence, Gu Jiu, you also have the token of [Nightmare Invitation]? Hmm... Your token has also received the information of the replacement panel?" Su Tingyu was still very happy to see her acquaintance, after all, she He thought it was only him and Qin Qi.

"Well, almost." Gu Qi glanced at the two of them, and responded quietly.

The public assets of Xing are generally managed by Qi Bubai. Gu Qi himself doesn't care too much, he only needs to understand the basic situation.

At this time, Shan Yu also came over, still as delicate and elegant as before, and said in a natural and generous way: "What a coincidence, we meet again, Susu."

"Hey, yes yes yes."

At this time, the panels of all players suddenly opened, and the main task was refreshed.

[Main quest: The first day of breaking through the Nightmare Maze (to be refreshed)]

"What does this mean?"

"Day one? How many more days?"

"Why didn't you make it clear?"


The total number of people present is 100, of which, the number of players is 44, and the remaining 56 are NPCs.

Compared with some players who were out of the situation, those NPCs who were regarded as tributes were calm and numb. Some people even started to bow down to the giant gate.

(End of this chapter)

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