Bug in survival game

Chapter 613 Nightmare Labyrinth 8

Chapter 613 Nightmare Labyrinth 8
"This hallucination looks normal, where is there a 'nightmare'?" Shan Yu stood beside the swing with her arms crossed, watching the two children play.

During the period, Shan Yu also tried to approach, but found that he seemed like an outsider, unable to touch the characters in the illusion, including the protagonist who was still in the illusion.

[The target of killing has appeared!Please fix it ASAP! 】

The panel popped up from time to time to remind Shan Yu, and after a few times, Shan Yu was annoyed: "This panel is messing around? It only reminds, but doesn't give an actual plan." It's nothing.

Shan Yu can't meet the boy now, let alone complete the task.

"This reward is not so easy to get. Is it possible to wait for people to wake up before doing it, but at that time, the risk is even greater..."

Shan Yu doesn't know which player this boy is, the only male players she knows are Qin Qi and Gu Qi, it is impossible to meet one of them, right?

Moreover, this boy looks a little shy and introverted. In terms of personality alone, he is not like those two people at all. If he starts to fight, Shan Yu will not have any burden in his heart.

Since he can't make a move now, Shan Yu can only wait quietly for the moment when the boy 'Nightmare' appears, perhaps, take advantage of the moment when the latter loses consciousness, and then make a move.

"I'm going home, come play again tomorrow, bye."

"it is good."

Finally, Shan Yu waited until the boy and the little girl were separated.

When the little girl was about to leave, someone like a servant and nanny came to pick her up. Maybe the family was rich after all.

It is normal for a little girl who grew up in a wealthy family to be somewhat arrogant.

Shan Yu didn't pay much attention to the little girl, she was just a fantasy figure, she followed the boy out of the community park.

When the boy entered a small villa, Shan Yu followed quietly.

"Tsk, why do you feel like a weird aunt?" Shan Yu complained silently in her heart.


When Shan Yu entered, he bumped into a man and a woman who were making out affectionately.

"Honey, I'll see you in two days."

"Okay, Master Leng."


The boy seemed to be used to this scene, he just stood silently in the corner, watching them make out.

He was still young and ignorant, so he didn't know what his mother and this uncle were doing.

Shan Yu naturally didn't recognize the man's face, but when she saw the woman's face, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, and she almost couldn't help but took out the self-defense props.

Is it her?

Qu Xinyue seen in the island prison last round? !

"This illusion belongs to Qu Xinyue? That's not right... I didn't see this woman in front of the gate of the maze." Moreover, when he saw the boy, a prompt appeared on the panel.

Another possibility is that the "Qu Xinyue" in front of her is just a fantasy figure!

The protagonist of the illusion—the boy, wouldn't his identity be Gu Qi? !

After all, in Shan Yu's impression, Gu Qi knew Qu Xinyue.

I'm going...it can't be such a coincidence, can it?
Shan Yu looked at the boy in the corner, the latter had a pair of beautiful and round cat pupils, still showing a hint of ignorance and innocence... Cat pupils, are you really Gu Qi?

Gu was so cute when he was a child?Looks like a bully?
...off the mark.

Shan Yu unconsciously remembered the time when he met Gu Qi just now, in the copy of Angel's apartment...that poisonous tongue, indifferent and critical.

Shan Yu has every reason to suspect that this is completely 'crooked', right?
(End of this chapter)

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