Bug in survival game

Chapter 614 Nightmare Labyrinth 9

Chapter 614 Nightmare Labyrinth 9
"But..." Shan Yu's eyes wandered back and forth between Fantasia Qu Xinyue and the boy, "It seems that I accidentally ate some big melon."

The relationship between Qu Xinyue and Gu Qi...

After the man left, the boy timidly stepped forward: "Mom..."

"Xiaoqi, come here and let mom hug you." The woman squatted down halfway, with a motherly kindness on her face.

But the boy's face showed some kind of struggle for a moment... But soon, it returned to its original state, and walked over obediently.

"Did you go out to play again today?"

"Mom...I..." The boy's eyes were a little flustered.

"Little boy, children are not allowed to go out, they will be arrested by the bad guys outside." The woman didn't get angry when the boy 'disobedient' sneaked out, but gently caressed the boy's face.

"I... I won't go far, other children can go out to play, I..."

There was a hint of sadness and loss on the woman's face: "Xiao Qi, don't you listen to your mother?"

"No, no."

"Then you can't go out again."

The woman picked up the boy and walked towards the room.

"I just came back from the outside, and my whole body is covered in dust. I'm going to take a shower when I'm young..."

Looking at this scene, Shan Yu felt that it was not normal... Which normal mother wouldn't even let her child go out?

Shan Yu followed.


"Mom, I can take a shower by myself."

"It's okay, mom will help you."


When Shan Yu walked in, he heard such a conversation.

Gu Qi became independent at such a young age?

However, Qu Xinyue seemed to be quite fond of Gu, why did the latter want to kill her mother?

But what happened next made Shan Yu somewhat incomprehensible.

As a mother, it is normal to help your child bathe and dress.

But in Shan Yu's eyes, the woman stroked the boy's delicate skin with her hands frequently, as if with some kind of deliberation, and after taking a bath, she directly let the boy go to bed naked.

"Little boy, it's time to go to bed..." The woman was also lying on the bed, as if she wanted to coax the boy to sleep, her hands were vaguely stretched under the quilt, stroking the boy's body.

"Mom..." The boy moved his body uncomfortably, and the next second, he was hugged back by the woman.

"Be good at a young age, grow up quickly..."

"It really looks like..."


The woman's murmur hovered in the room, and the boy's face became painful and struggling for a moment, as if he was about to remember something.

Shan Yu's pupils constricted slightly, and an absurd thought unconsciously arose.

Thinking about him...impossible...

And behind Shan Yu, without her noticing, the illusion scene behind her slowly began to distort, a big black face appeared in mid-air, with a big bloody mouth slightly opened——

At this time, the boy's body emitted a bloody gas that cannot be seen by the naked eye. Once the bloody gas was produced, it was quickly sucked up by the bloody mouth.

Then, the big black face disappeared without a sound, as if it had never appeared before...

"Take care!"

Shan Yu couldn't help shouting, walked over, stretched out his hand to pull the woman away, but his hands passed through the woman's body.

By herself alone, she can't get in touch with the characters in the illusion, nor can she interfere with the development of the illusion...

"Fuck!" Shan Yu cursed secretly, and took out a blood-stained kitchen knife from the inventory with his backhand.

Then without hesitation, he raised the kitchen knife and slashed at the woman——

(End of this chapter)

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