Bug in survival game

Chapter 615 Nightmare Labyrinth 10

Chapter 615 Nightmare Labyrinth 10

The moment it touched the woman, the blood on the blade suddenly turned red and hot, and it stabbed straight into the woman's abdomen!
"Ho ho ho..." The woman's head suddenly turned 180 degrees, and her originally gentle eyes were hollow, staring straight at Shan Yu.

Shan Yu was startled suddenly, came back to his senses, angrily stabbed the kitchen knife deeper, and with all his might, he stirred inside the woman's abdomen.

Shan Yu shouted at the kitchen knife:
"Yaya, bite her!"

A little girl with a soul body floated out of the kitchen knife. After receiving the order, she opened her mouth and bit the woman's shoulder without saying a word.

"Ahhhhhh..." The woman rolled out of the bed in severe pain.

Shan Yu pulled out the kitchen knife, ignored the woman, and went to check on the boy.

At some point, the boy had tightly closed his eyes, his face was a little pale, and he seemed to be struggling for something.

"Why haven't you woken up yet?" Shan Yu rolled up the boy's body with a thin quilt, then hugged him with both hands, and left the bed in the room.

"Hey, Gu Qi, wake up." Shan Yu tried to shout again, but there was no response.


what happened.

Why can't he wake up?

"Ho ho!"

At this time, the woman who had taken off her disguise and turned into a monster rudely threw away Yaya and rushed towards Shan Yu.

"Fuck! Still coming!"

Shan Yu hurriedly dodged, and then threw out a piece of talisman paper. When it hit the monster, the talisman immediately shot out a thunderbolt, and the monster's screams followed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shan Yu put Yaya back into the kitchen knife, hugged the boy and escaped from the room.

After running all the way outside, Shan Yugang thought that she could breathe a sigh of relief, but when she met another fantasy figure outside the villa, her illusion was completely shattered.

Those illusion figures also turned into demented monsters at the same time, and when they saw Shan Yu, they would chase after him... Or maybe they all came for the boy.

There was no way, Shan Yu continued to flee with the people.

Just as Shan Yu threw off several waves of monsters, her panel popped out at this moment.

[The target of killing has appeared!Please fix it ASAP! 】

[The target of killing has appeared!Please fix it ASAP! 】

[The target of killing has appeared!Please fix it ASAP! 】


Shan Yu stopped slowly, and looked down at the boy she was holding.

Shan Yu can now contact Gu Qi, which means...

She can kill people directly.

Then this illusion will be destroyed by itself.

As for herself, she can directly issue this round of dungeons, and she can also get generous rewards...

Shan Yu's panel continued to urge her, and even repeated the content of rewards for successful missions several times, blatantly tempting her.

"Tsk, it's so noisy."

Shan Yu directly turned off the panel, and then continued to escape with the people.

"Get up, wake up."

"If you don't wake up within three seconds, I will throw you away!"

"Fuck! Favors are the most troublesome thing..."


Shan Yu continued to 'threat', but failed to wake up the boy.

Although Shan Yu didn't want to admit it very much, in the previous two rounds of dungeons, no matter whether Gu Qi had any purpose or not, he finally helped himself, and he was also in debt.

Shan Yu never thought of himself as a kind person.

In the past, she personally killed her biological father and sent her biological mother to prison.

After that, she ruined the family of her former adoptive parents.

But there are still some bottom lines and principles.

Otherwise, what is the difference between her and an uncivilized beast.

(End of this chapter)

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