Bug in survival game

Chapter 633 Nightmare Labyrinth 28

Chapter 633 Nightmare Labyrinth 28
I saw that the Yaoyao female player outside took a look at room 204 where Gu Qi and Shan Yu are now, and then turned her head to look at room 202 on the other side. Room number door.

As for why she doesn't live in Room 202, and she also has the key to open the door of Room 202, it's actually because before the three of them went back to the room separately, Yaoyao deliberately mentioned in front of the two male players: If something happens at night, they will lock the door again Sleeping to death, what should I do if I can't find anyone?
After being hinted by words, the two male players gave Yaoyao the key to the room so that the latter could come to find him.

Ever since, Gu Qi and Shan Yu saw that Yaoyao sneaked into another male player'Ange's room.

After someone went in, Shan Yu said: "This person is not asleep? Now sneak in after waiting for others to fall asleep?"

Just now, Yaya also checked the situation in Room 204 first. When she saw the big black face, she didn't dare to delay and came back to report immediately. Therefore, Yaya didn't check the situation of the other two players.

"Gu Jiuye, do you want to go over and take a look?" Shan Yu suggested.

Gu Qi pushed open the door and walked out: "Go back first, and let that kid take a peek first."

"Oh, that's fine too."

Shan Yu called out Yaya, and asked Yaya to quietly take a look, while the two of them went back to room 206 to wait for news.

A minute later, Yaya floated back and threw herself into Shan Yu's arms: "Sister, that person killed everyone in the room."

Hearing this news, Shan Yu was slightly surprised, but it was also somewhat expected.

"That Yaoyao should have gotten a killing mission."

Otherwise, putting aside personal grievances and grievances, a male player who can 'guard' his own safety in the dungeon, who is not driven by greater interests, who would be so stupid as to kill him, would it not be nice to keep him as a tool~
"Sister, after that woman killed someone, she looked very happy, and then..." Saying that, Yaya hugged Shan Yu tightly again: "She was swallowed by a black thing that suddenly appeared... …There is nothing left, and I'm coming back."


"Be more specific." Gu Qi took a step forward with deep eyes.

Yaya immediately shrank behind Shan Yu, as if she was afraid of Gu Qi approaching.

Seeing this, Shan Yu gently touched Yaya's head: "Yaya, what you saw, and to be more specific, is how that woman disappeared."

Yaya nodded.

Afterwards, while she was talking, she gestured with both hands.

5 minute later.

"That's not right, didn't you say that after completing the killing mission, you can get a dungeon? That Yaoyao seems... to die, right?" Shan Yu said, looking unconsciously at the target of his killing.

Gu Qi looked calm: "What? Do you want to try?"

"Cough cough cough..." Shan Yu quickly shook his head and explained: "How can this be possible! I have no such idea at all!"

"One thing is for sure, that female player is probably more dangerous than good." Gu Qi looked away: "The nightmare demons known so far have not directly attacked the human body, but the 'black shadow' seen by the child is directly attacking the human body." People move their hands..."

Shan Yu guessed: "Could it be that Yaoyao violated some rules of the dungeon?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

While the two were talking, Yaya had quietly drifted away, wandering around the room, when she accidentally opened the curtains, a ray of sunlight from outside shone in.

"Huh? Is it dawn?"

(End of this chapter)

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