Bug in survival game

Chapter 634 Nightmare Labyrinth 29

Chapter 634 Nightmare Labyrinth 29
Near the small lake.

Su Tingyu got out of the tent, and as soon as he got lazy, Big Ash floated over.

"Master! Master! There's someone over there!" Dahui pointed in one direction.

Su Tingyu tilted his head: "Human?"

"Yes, yes, it's still a woman."

Just as Su Tingyu turned around to look for Qin Qi, the latter had already come out.

"Pack up your things first," Qin Qi said.

It's not sure whether this person is a player or an NPC. The former is fine. If it's the latter, it's unclear how to explain the suddenly transformed tent or the like.

"Okay." Su Tingyu nodded: "Da Hui, you guys should hide first."

"Yes, Master!"

Big Hui and Little Remnant Flower immediately hid.

And Su Tingyu put the tent and other items into the inventory, but there were still some traces of life on the ground.

At this time, Su Tingyu also felt that someone was approaching.

"You are……"

A slightly trembling female voice sounded, and a thin figure appeared and walked out of the forest.

She is a pretty woman, who should be about the same age as Su Tingyu.

"Are you a tribute?" Su Tingyu asked tentatively, approaching slowly, trying to get within two meters of the woman, so as to find out whether this person is a player or not.

However, when she noticed Su Tingyu's approach, the woman stepped back a few steps, with a look of vigilance on her face: "You...don't come here."

Su Tingyu was forced to stop: "Ahem, young lady, I didn't mean any harm, I just finally saw someone, and I got excited for a while..." As he said, Su Tingyu consciously took a few steps back in order to reassure the woman.

Although it was not possible to check whether the woman was a player, Su Tingyu roughly judged that the woman was probably not a player.

Because of the habit of players, when they meet a living person, they will immediately think of checking whether the other party is a player or not.

If the woman is a player, she should also find opportunities to get close to Su Tingyu.

"You... are also tributes?" The woman gradually relaxed a little when she saw that Su Tingyu was acting more friendly.

Su Tingyu nodded: "Ah... yes."

"I...why haven't I met you?" But upon hearing Su Tingyu's answer, the woman frowned, her eyes slightly suspicious, and she looked at the two of them.

"Miss sister, we are also very innocent. We were inexplicably filled up by your people and thrown into it." Su Tingyu recalled the plot of the opening contact, and then refuted with an innocent face.

This is a living NPC tribute, and all alone.

Su Tingyu made up his mind that he wanted to learn more about the dungeon world from the woman, which would also help them clear the dungeon.

"This..." Before coming in, the woman did hear that the missing group of people had been replaced, but she didn't expect it to happen now.

"Miss, do you still want to go out?"

Su Tingyu began to test the woman's wishes.

Before entering the maze, some of the NPCs that Su Tingyu met seemed to come in voluntarily, and some seemed to accept them numbly... I don't know what type this woman is.

"You guys, want to go out?" The woman seemed to have sensed what Su Tingyu meant, and asked back.

Su Tingyu nodded decisively: "Yes, we were thrown in for no reason, so we must find a way to get out."

Anyway, according to the opening plot, these players all came in involuntarily, so answering like this is not too abrupt.

(End of this chapter)

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