Bug in survival game

Chapter 635 Nightmare Labyrinth 30

Chapter 635 Nightmare Labyrinth 30
After several exchanges, the woman also initially let go of her guard.

The woman's name is Qi Xuexuan, and she was born in a very patriarchal family. She is the third in the family, and has six siblings. She is in the middle and is a girl, so the elders in the family ignore her very much.

This time, the Qi family was selected to provide a tribute, and Qi Xuexuan, who was in an awkward position at home, was pushed out.

Su Tingyu seemed to be infected, and his sense of justice was overwhelming. Without a word, he took Qi Xuexuan's hand, with a sincere and firm expression: "Miss sister, be strong, let's escape together!"

"Okay, Yuyu." Qi Xuexuan was a little uncomfortable with someone being so enthusiastic towards her, but he could also feel that Su Tingyu had no malice towards him.

Qi Xuexuan's eyes fell on Qin Qi: "This... is your younger brother, right?"

Qin Qi: ...

Su Tingyu nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, my brother, his name is Su Qi."

Su Tingyu just made up a fake name for herself, called Su Yuyu.

Since they want to pretend to be siblings, they must have the same surname.

Qin Qi: ...

From the beginning to the end, Qin Qi couldn't say a word, and just quietly watched Su Tingyu's performance.

"By the way, where are you from?"

Hearing this, Su Tingyu was shocked.


When I asked about Qi Xuexuan's situation, I thought that the other party would ask back, but I still don't know anything about this world...

"Miss sister, you are afraid that you will laugh at us. We were actually... abducted." Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, and in less than two seconds, the eyes were filled with water, and his expression instantly became pitiful.

"Huh? Abducted?"


Su Tingyu wiped the corners of his eyes, pouted his mouth, and opened his mouth. When he was a few years old, his sister and brother went out to play, but were unfortunately abducted by bad guys... a touching and tear-jerking sad story.

"It turned out to be like this...it's okay, it's all over." Qi Xuexuan was stunned for a while, and after realizing it, she closed her slightly opened mouth, and her expression became sympathetic.

"Miss, can you tell us what's going on in this maze now, or is it now..."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Su Tingyu asked many things intentionally or unintentionally.

From Qi Xuexuan's mouth, Su Tingyu learned that the place where they live is called Panling Continent.

On the mainland, there is a spiritual energy all the time. Everything in the world is inseparable from the spiritual energy, and through the cultivation of the spiritual energy, the human race can be sanctified, and even have a chance to walk on the road of God.

However, since the ancient times, after the end of the war between gods and demons, the aura of the mainland has gradually dried up, the physique of the human race has gradually become mediocre, and it is becoming more and more difficult to become a cultivator.

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes: "Miss, then... I want to become a cultivator, what should I do? What conditions do I need?"

"Ah... I'm just an ordinary person. I haven't been in contact with these things, so I don't know very well." Hearing this, Qi Xuexuan showed a look of embarrassment.

At this time, Qin Qi quietly tugged on Su Tingyu's clothes corner, and the latter came back to his senses, and quickly said: "Oh, Miss, how much do you know about this maze?"

Well, what is the cultivator... After you get out of the maze, let's study it again when you have time.

"Ah, I've heard a few cultivators say... In fact, these labyrinths are probably the demon seeds left by the ancient demons before they were annihilated, and the labyrinth is like a hotbed for accumulating strength and incubating demon seeds. , but with a little accumulation of power, the progress is too slow, so they bewitch and threaten those ignorant and ignorant mortals to gain more power from it."

"Now, everything we see is a maze, which is actually a huge illusion, and this huge illusion is dominated by the Nightmare God. During this period, the small illusion we entered was derived from the memory of the entrant. of……"

(End of this chapter)

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