Bug in survival game

Chapter 645 Nightmare Labyrinth 40

Chapter 645 Nightmare Labyrinth 40
Maze, somewhere.

A mirror surface 30 meters high and [-] meters wide stands quietly.

Dozens of nightmare demons have been sneaking back from various places, and at the same time, they are also carrying a lot of 'nightmare breath'.

One after another breaths of nightmare floated out of the Nightmare Demon's mouth, and then they were all injected into the mirror under control.

The mirror surface is like a dark vortex abyss, full of danger and mystery, but unknowingly, it reveals a bit of demon-like attraction.

As more and more nightmare breaths were poured into it, the dark light emitted by the mirror became thicker and more lustrous, as if something was about to burst out of the mirror.

Just now.

The entire maze changed, and all the mazes and illusions were violently punctured, like a bayonet piercing through paper, and it was torn to pieces.

The originally calm and deep mirror surface had waves of ripples, as if a stormy sea had been set off, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

All the nightmare demons present suddenly prostrated themselves on the ground, trembling.

On the huge mirror surface, circles of ripples continued to ripple, and then there were strange sounds.


(who did it!!!)

(My illusion! Who broke it!! Unforgivable!!)

At this time, one of the Nightmare Demons stepped forward tentatively, grunting, as if talking about something.


(What? The tributes killed your companions? And the tributes chased you to fight? Waste! Don’t you know how to fight back?!)


(Can't beat?? You trash!!! Get lost!!!)
The Nightmare Demon hurriedly backed away, hiding in a corner, not daring to make a sound.

And the rest of the Nightmare Demons didn't even dare to squeak.

After a full quarter of an hour, the ripples on the mirror surface slowly calmed down.


(Go! Find that bastard! Cut to pieces!)
As soon as these words came out, all the nightmare demons scattered and flew outside...


Fountain by the pool.

Ren Su listened to Yu Wan's explanations, but Qin Qi still remained suspicious.

In the end, Su Tingyu and Qin Qi stared at each other, while the former pouted and said in a distressed voice, as if he had been greatly wronged: "Believe it or not, I just didn't do it anyway!"

Qin Qi: ...

This aggrieved expression, I don't know, I thought he was bullying.

"Okay..." Qin Qi chose to give in, because the most important thing now is not to expose Su Tingyu's sophistry, but to take advantage of the maze to restore its original form and look for the demon species.


Seeing that Qin Qi believed in his innocence, Su Tingyu showed a big smile again.

Although it's not very clear why this is the case now, but... she can finally find the demon seed!
"Let's go!" Su Tingyu pushed Qin Qi, eager to leave here, and temporarily ignored important people and things.



Because the illusion of the maze disappeared, Su Tingyu and Qin Qi met living people more and more frequently.

Most of them were players, and some of them, like Qin Qi, turned into children, some became crazy, and some fell to the ground, unconscious.

During this period, Su Tingyu found that his guardian mission disappeared inexplicably.

"Qiqi, my mission is missing?!" Su Tingyu's eyes widened.

This is the first time I have seen this situation.

In the past, it would only disappear unless the mission was successful or failed, but this time, Su Tingyu hadn't even completed the guardian mission.

(End of this chapter)

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