Bug in survival game

Chapter 646 Nightmare Labyrinth 41

Chapter 646 Nightmare Labyrinth 41
"Disappeared?" Hearing this, Qin Qi also went to check his mission, but it also disappeared.

Su Tingyu looked disappointed: "There are so many rewards for this guardian mission! Why did it disappear after it was done well?"

Qin Qi comforted: "It's okay, there are more tasks in the future."

"It can't be that the panel system backfired and didn't want to give me so many rewards!" Su Tingyu suddenly felt that he was the truth, and instantly bared his teeth.

"Well, it's possible." Qin Qi agreed without blushing.

With Qin Qi's approval, Su Tingyu became more and more sure of his guess: "It must be like this! Spicy chicken copy!"

"Ahem, let's finish this round of dungeons first..."

"Oh oh."

Su Tingyu and the two continued to explore forward.

However, some solo players he met during this period, when he saw Su Tingyu and the two, they seemed to see some big cake, their eyes glowed, and they ran over with some malicious intentions.

At this time, Su Tingyu usually still looks confused, but Qin Qi stood in front of Su Tingyu and said to the visitor in a flat voice: "The mission has been cancelled."

As soon as these words came out, those players subconsciously looked at their own panels, and found that there was really no mission content, and they were at a loss.

"Go." Qin Qi turned to Su Tingyu and said.

"Oh oh."

After encountering such a situation for the fourth time, Su Tingyu couldn't help asking: "Qiqi, what's the matter with those people? Are they all stupid?" The impulse was stopped abruptly.

"Perhaps, he was deranged by the illusion."

Su Tingyu didn't believe it: "Is that so?"


"Oh...that's so pitiful." Su Tingyu showed sympathy on his face.

Afterwards, the matter was readily ignored.


"Huh? That's... Sister Shan Yu?!"

After Su Tingyu walked out of a secret room, there were two figures, one large and one small, at the other end of the aisle, and one of them was unusually familiar.

After Su Tingyu confirmed it again, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the person was Shan Yu, and turned his head and said to Qin Qi who came out one step later.

Qin Qi glanced away, and he also saw Shan Yu, but... who is next to her?
"Sister Shan Yu!"

Su Tingyu's excited voice passed over, and Shan Yu and Gu Qi at the other end also heard it, and Qi Qi looked at the source of the sound.

"It's Susu?" Shan Yu was a little surprised, but seeing Su Tingyu was also a good thing.

"Let's go."

Shan Yu said something to the people around him, and then walked in the direction of Su Tingyu, just not seeing someone's uncomfortable expression.

"Sister Shan Yu! It can be regarded as meeting an acquaintance~"

As soon as the two groups met, Su Tingyu laughed, and the next second, she noticed the child next to Shan Yu, and asked curiously:
"Sister, where did you pick up the child? It's so cute."

"Pfft..." Shan Yu couldn't hold back, he laughed, and then he was glared at by the people around him.

"Ahem." Shan Yu's face returned to normal: "I didn't pick it up, and you know who it is..."

"Ah? I know him?" Su Tingyu scratched his head, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Qin Qi, who was as tall as him, and suddenly realized: "He he he...he is Gu Jiu?!"

"Hehe." Gu Qi had a cold face.

Shan Yu suppressed a smile and nodded vigorously.

Su Tingyu blinked her big eyes...

One second, two seconds...

"Pfft hahahahahahahahaha—"

(End of this chapter)

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