Bug in survival game

Chapter 647 Nightmare Labyrinth 42

Chapter 647 Nightmare Labyrinth 42
"Gu Jiu, how on earth did you become a brat? Tell me in detail~ Make me happy~" Su Tingyu smiled.

Gu looked up at the black face: "Get lost."

Shan Yu was on the sidelines, and when he heard Su Tingyu dare to bluntly say that Gu Qi was a "little boy", he couldn't help but secretly winked at the latter.

... Cow, cow, Susu~
Su Tingyu didn't give up: "Don't worry~ we are friends, why are you embarrassed?"

"Heh, who are you? I know you?" Without the slightest hesitation, Gu Jiu turned his face and refused to recognize anyone.

Su Tingyu shook his head, "Desperate, Gu Jiu, you are going to throw our friendship away~"

Gu Qi said coldly: "I don't know you, don't try to get involved."

"Ahem." Shan Yu felt the need to stand up and interrupt: "He became smaller because of the Nightmare Demon. By the way, Susu, the one next to you...is Qin Qi?"

"Yes." Su Tingyu nodded: "Sister Shan Yu, is the Nightmare Demon you're talking about a big strange face?"

Shan Yu: "Yes, Gu Qi became like this, it was the Nightmare Demon who did it."

"Hey! I'm just looking for this thing!" Su Tingyu clenched his small fists: "We met an NPC, and from her mouth, we almost understood the basic situation of the maze."

Su Tingyu roughly explained the current situation, but he never mentioned the reason why the maze changed so much... Don't ask, you just don't know.

"Then now that the maze is gone, where are we going to find the demon seed?" Shan Yu asked.

Qin Qi looked in one direction, and suddenly frowned: "...It seems that something is coming."

"Ah? What's coming?" Su Tingyu also looked over curiously, but he didn't know if he didn't look, and he was startled when he saw it.

In the aisle, dozens of black shadows flew on the wall, the most prominent ones were the big mouths that almost occupied the entire face.

"Wow! There are so many strange faces!" After the shock, Su Tingyu's eyes sparkled immediately, and he eagerly took out the Death Blade: "I'm so worried that I can't find it! This is here!"

"Be careful." Qin Qi reminded, he also took out the ancient bronze sword and stood in front of Su Tingyu.

These nightmare monsters suddenly appeared wantonly, so many appeared at once, it seemed that they were still targeting them.

Su Tingyu remembered something, and turned to look at Gu Qi: "Ah, by the way, little Gu Jiu, you are so small now, stand behind my sister~ Don't be afraid, my sister will protect you~"

"Get out! Don't mention the word 'small'! Also, we don't know each other well!" Gu Qi stared at the nightmare monsters, trying to correct them stubbornly.

Su Tingyu readily responded: "Okay, little Gu Jiu!"

Gu Qi: ...

"Cough." Qin Qi interrupted silently: "Da Yu, let's solve the current problem first."

"Okay~" Su Tingyu moved his wrist, raised his hand casually, swung the death blade, and cut a nightmare monster lurking on the floor, trying to make a sneak attack!

"Qiqi, the old rules, half of each person~"

Su Tingyu thoughtfully didn't count Gu Qi in it, and Shan Yu should just take care of the child, so there's no need to fight.


Su Tingyu and the two stopped the Nightmare Demon in the aisle on one side, and at this time, the Nightmare Demon suddenly appeared in the empty aisle on the other side.

Seeing the situation, the fingertips of the five fingers moved slightly, and several transparent silk threads were inserted horizontally in the aisle, and the nightmare demons flying over one by one, accidentally bumped into each other, and a part was cut out in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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