Bug in survival game

Chapter 655 Nightmare Labyrinth 50

Chapter 655 Nightmare Labyrinth 50
Su Tingyu was surprised to find that the Death Blade and Meteor Stick that touched the mirror could not be pulled out. Not only that, but the suction was getting deeper and deeper.

"Big fish!"

Behind him was Qin Qi's slightly anxious cry.

Su Tingyu had no time to take care of it, and most of the two weapons sank into the mirror. Just when Su Tingyu was trying to let go of the two weapons and escape, a nightmare demon that should have been affected by gravity suddenly flew over, Su Tingyu's entire body crashed into the mirror!
"Su Tingyu!"



After Su Tingyu was sucked in, all the Nightmare Demons gradually broke free from the shackles of gravity.

Qi Xuexuan's expression changed: "No, the formation is about to fail!"

Qin Qi stared at the mirror, without saying a word, and suddenly ran straight!

"Qin Lin, come back!" Gu Qi's eyes darkened, he guessed what Qin Qi wanted to do, but it was too late.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Qi stretched out his hand to touch the mirror, and let the mirror pull him into it...

When everyone fully reacted, Su Tingyu and Qin Qi had been sucked in by the mirror, and their figures disappeared without a trace.

At this time, after the formation failed, all the nightmare demons recovered freely, but they stopped attacking people, but surrounded the mirror, as if they were on guard and sentry.

More and more nightmare monsters appeared in the mirror. Without Su Tingyu and Qin Qi, there was not enough manpower. The speed of slaughtering nightmare monsters was not as fast as the speed of new nightmare monsters. Areas where demons no longer attack.

"What's in the mirror?" Gu Qi remembered that Su had heard about Qi Xuexuan's situation, so he came to ask about the mirror.

Qi Xuexuan also noticed just now how Gu Qi easily dealt with the Nightmare Demon, even when facing the shrinking Gu Qi, he did not dare to underestimate him, and said sternly:

"The elders once speculated that inside the mirror is another world, a terrifying world completely dominated by demons. The master of this labyrinth is 'Nightmare', so the world he dominates is the Nightmare World."

Gu Qi frowned: "Is it similar to the illusion I encountered before?"

Qi Xuexuan nodded: "Well, but this is just speculation. No one knows what is behind the mirror, nor does it know whether people who enter the mirror world have the possibility of survival."

"Then if the mirror is destroyed, will they be able to come out?" Gu Qi turned his head to look at the mirror, his eyes were dim.

"I don't know, it's possible, but it's also possible that because the mirror is destroyed, the mirror world inside is also destroyed, and the people trapped in the mirror world are just..." Qi Xuexuan shook his head and sighed slightly.

Suddenly, one of Qi Xuexuan's female companions said: "Senior sister, if we destroy the mirror, is it equivalent to destroying the demon seed?"

As soon as these words came out, Gu Qi's face changed first, his eyes were like blades, and he coldly swept towards the person who made the sound.

Qi Xuexuan felt bad, and sternly reprimanded: "Junior Sister You, this is inappropriate."

"Why..." The female companion was inexplicably reprimanded, a little depressed and wronged.

"Anyway... the situation is unclear now, so wait." Qi Xuexuan felt a little headache, but it was hard to explain too clearly.

This junior sister's emotional intelligence is really low. Su Yuyu and Su Qi just went in, and their friends are still watching here, not sure if destroying the mirror will have any impact on the people inside, but they boldly said that they would destroy the mirror. Dropping the mirror, if it affects Su Yuyu and the others, wouldn't it be...

"Junior Sister, just listen to Senior Sister." The rest understood Qi Xuexuan's implication, and persuaded the little Junior Sister one after another.


(End of this chapter)

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