Bug in survival game

Chapter 656 Nightmare Labyrinth 51

Chapter 656 Nightmare Labyrinth 51
Seeing that he couldn't find any information, Gu Qi stayed away from Qi Xuexuan and his group. However, he stayed in a position where he could observe Qi Xuexuan and others' whereabouts at any time, lest someone among them really sneak away to destroy the mirror.

Although... Gu Qi didn't think they could have any good ideas, but they had to guard against it, after all, Su Tingyu and Qin Qi were still inside.

"Gu Qi, do you want to go in?" Shan Yu watched the mirror for a while, then turned to look at Gu Qi next to him.

"You can't go in now." Gu Qi didn't turn his head, he still stared at Qi Xuexuan.

Shan Yu glanced at Qi Xuexuan and the others, and seemed to start arguing, and some voices could be heard vaguely.

"Senior Sister, in case there is a delay..."

"That's right, if the demon seed awakens..."

"No, they went in, now life and death are unknown, the mirror cannot be moved..."

"...But if the demon seed awakens, there will be more than two people who will suffer..."


With just a few words, Shan Yu can already guess the general meaning, it is nothing more than that set of high-sounding sacrifice of the small to save the big.

Sure enough, no matter where you go, there is never a shortage of such people.

Shan Yu withdrew his gaze, habitually slightly raised the corner of his lower lip, which was halfway ridiculous, and then gradually disappeared: "Then let's wait outside, Susu is so powerful, she will definitely come out."

Shan Yu doesn't like expressions other than smiling, because only smiling can cover up all the thoughts that he doesn't want to be known by outsiders.

However, Shan Yu doesn't feel in the mood to smile anymore.

Gu Qi responded softly: "Yes."




mirror world.

A private hospital, outside the operating room.

"Doctor, how is my grandson doing?"

"Mr. Qin, the Seventh Young Master is out of danger at present. However, his injury is located in the brain. It is preliminarily inferred that he may have injured some nerves inside. The specific symptoms that will be caused need further confirmation."

"Then when will my grandson wake up?"

"At least three days, at most a week."

"Okay, thank you doctor."


three days later.

The boy on the hospital bed woke up, shaking most of the hospital, and several authoritative doctors squeezed into the room to examine the boy.

"Lin'er, it's good that you wake up."

The boy turned his head numbly to see that it was an old man with gray hair, and when he saw himself waking up, there was real joy in his eyes.

"Grandpa." The boy opened his lips slightly, his voice flat.

"Okay, okay..." The old man took a few steps back and asked the doctors behind to come over for an examination: "Lin'er, let the doctors check your body first, and I will come to see you later."

The boy looked at the old man quietly without saying a word.

The old man only thought that the boy had just woken up and his mind was still a little confused, so he didn't take it to heart and turned his head away.

three hours later.

A doctor came to the old man with an examination report, his face darkened.

"How is my grandson? Is there a big problem with the injury?"

The doctor handed over the examination report and sighed slightly:
"Seventh Young Master's trauma is not a big problem, you can just rest, but... this is the result of the examination just now, Seventh Young Master may have problems such as lack of emotion and emotional disorders in the future. To put it simply, it is in the perception of emotions. , will be slower than ordinary people, and it will be more difficult to understand emotions, and it will be difficult to open your heart, but..." It is not without exception.

"That's the only question?" When the old man heard these questions, he was relieved.

"Yes." The doctor nodded.

"Cure the trauma as soon as possible. In addition, check regularly so as not to miss other diseases."



(End of this chapter)

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