Bug in survival game

Chapter 662 Nightmare Labyrinth 57

Chapter 662 Nightmare Labyrinth 57
[Attention all 'Nightmare Labyrinth' players!The main mission of this round of dungeons has been completed, the number of players who have completed all main missions: 4, the number of players who have not completed all main missions: 40]

[After review, the special occupations of this round of dungeons will be obtained by players who have completed all the main missions!The number of places to get a job: 2]

[Please complete all the main missions to decide the allocation of the quota, the time limit is half an hour, no waiting after expiration]

【caution!The right to use the quota needs to be approved by the remaining players who have completed all the main missions]

【caution!Obtaining a quota does not mean 100% obtaining a job]

【caution!After the quota is used, the quota will not be returned no matter whether you succeed or fail in obtaining the occupation]

"The 4 players who completed the main task, you mean us?" Su Tingyu looked at the content of the panel, and turned to look at the other three: "However, there are only 2 slots for this occupation?"

"Go and ask for the copy." Gu Qi said lightly: "At this time, it depends on who can win the quota."

"Ah? How to fight for the law?" Su Tingyu tilted his head in doubt.

"There is a professional matching degree. Let's first check the matching degree of each." Gu clicked on his own panel, and when he found the matching degree, his eyes flickered slightly.

"Oh... Matching..."

When the panel system announced that there were only 2 occupation places, each player's occupation matching degree was also refreshed.

The four spoke out their matching degrees in turn.

Su Tingyu: [Professional matching degree: 85%]

Qin Qi: [Professional matching degree: 77%]

Gu Qi: [Career matching: 66%]

Shan Yu: [Professional matching degree: 90%]

"What's the use of this career matching degree?" Su Tingyu asked curiously.

Gu Qi explained: "The best job matching degree is above 80%, so that it is possible to obtain a job. If you already have a job, the job matching degree must be 4% more, that is, it must reach 84%. It is relatively safe, if you already have two occupations, you must reach more than 88%, and so on."

"However, this is just an experience, everything will have accidents."

Now, after the occupational matching degree of the four people is known, it is clear at a glance who should get this occupational quota.

"Wait a minute, when I was in my first job, didn't I have such a matching degree?" Su Tingyu raised his little paw.

"Did you have any competitors at the time?"


"There is only one quota?"


After Gu Qi finished understanding, he explained in a calm tone: "You are lucky, your previous situation doesn't need to look at the degree of matching, and you are the first profession."

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes: "Oh, so..."

Gu Qi took two steps back, and changed the topic: "I won't fight for the quota of this profession, you guys decide who belongs to it."

"Why?" Su Tingyu looked at Gu Qi, the latter's personality did not seem like a good old man who sacrificed himself for others, of course, when he was dealing with Qiqi, it was an exception.

"I have the lowest degree of matching, and I already have a job. Even if I get a quota, the possibility of actually getting it is very low, so I don't want to waste the quota."

Immediately afterwards, Qin Qi said the same thing: "I also quit, for the same reason as Gu Qi."

"Then you two take it." Gu Qi looked at Su Tingyu and Shan Yu.

Of the four people, two of them have already opted out, so the only two places naturally fell on Su Tingyu and Shan Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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