Bug in survival game

Chapter 663 Nightmare Labyrinth 58

Chapter 663 Nightmare Labyrinth 58
Seeing that Gu Qi and Qin Qi gave way, Shan Yu said, "I didn't contribute anything to the main plot at the end of this dungeon, why don't I give it to Qin Qi?"

The original intention of Shan Yu to enter the job dungeon was also out of interest. She wanted to see what the job dungeon looked like, but she didn't come here wholeheartedly for the job. Therefore, she was not very concerned about whether she could get a job in the end.

"Too low." To this, Qin Qi only responded with three words.

"Even if you have a quota, it doesn't mean you can get a job 100%, it depends on your luck." Gu Qi added.

"Okay then! I'll come first! But, how do I use this quota?" Su Tingyu didn't know the specific process very well, because last time no one competed with her, she got the job directly.

Gu Qi raised his hand and pointed at Su Tingyu's panel: "Stupid, look at your panel, there are hints."

"Slightly!" Su Tingyu stuck out his tongue, and then began to operate according to the process on the panel.

[Sorry, the player 'Angel Su' cannot obtain the occupation of this round of keepsake copy due to the low matching degree]

Failed? ?

She has more than one profession!
Su Tingyu forgot about her dual career.

Su Tingyu, who has dual professions, needs to have a matching degree of 88% to have a high chance of obtaining a new profession, but now it is only 85% matching degree.

"Hey... I failed, and I wasted a quota for nothing." Su Tingyu puffed up her face: "Sister Shan Yu, come and try."

"it is good."

Shan Yu has a super high degree of matching, and he has no job, so he got a job smoothly.

[Congratulations to the 'Sick Beauty' player for obtaining the occupation of this round of token dungeon: Listening to the Soul · Nightmare Envoy]

[Player 'Sick Beauty' is requested to select the class-binding item within 1 minute, the countdown starts: 59, 58, 57...]

"An item bound to a class?" Shan Yu looked at Su Tingyu and the others in surprise, asking what to do.

Su Tingyu made a suggestion: "Sister Shan Yu, you can find a game item that matches your profession. I used the token of this round of dungeons as a profession item before."

"Is that so? Thank you, Susu." Shan Yu found out the token of this round of dungeons [Invitation to the Nightmare God], and clicked to bind.

[Congratulations to the player 'Sick Beauty' for successfully binding a job item: Please Soul Post]

"It's ok." Shan Yu clicked on the newly acquired career information, glanced over it, and gradually, there was a little fluctuation: "...not bad." Quite an interesting professional talent.

At this time, Qi Xuexuan also dealt with the formation.

Su Tingyu went over to watch the fun, and asked knowingly, "Miss, are the demon seeds gone?"

"The information returned by the formation, the demon seed is gone, but..." Qi Xuexuan always felt a little too relaxed, and he solved the problem of the demon seed without even using the last hole card.

"That's all right! It's a good thing that the demon seed is gone!" Su Tingyu hurriedly laughed and said, "That's right, Miss Sister, do you accept disciples in your sect? My friend and I are not cultivators, but we also want to Try to walk the path of a cultivator."

"You?" Qi Xuexuan was very surprised. Su Tingyu and the others were not cultivators, and she could tell, but it seemed that everyone had a special ability, and the origin was not yet clear.

However, as long as it has nothing to do with the demon species, it's not a big problem.

Su Tingyu rubbed his little hands: "Miss, if we have a chance, we would like to seek a teacher."

Qi Xuexuan nodded: "It's okay to ask for a teacher. Every once in a while, our sect will recruit disciples. You can come to participate when the time comes."

(End of this chapter)

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