Chapter 675

Wang Family Industry, Yu Zhuo Pavilion.

Wang Yongbin walked into the Yuzhuo Pavilion swaggeringly, and within two seconds, staff immediately came to receive the second young master of the Wang family.

"Second young master, please."

The staff invited Wang Yongbin to the exclusive private room with ease, and then prepared drinks and snacks for the rich young master to taste.

In less than a minute, the manager of Yuzhuo Pavilion took the time to come over.

The manager knew the reason why Wang Yongbin came here, and asked the staff to present the batch of customized jewelry.

"Second Young Master, this is the batch of jewelry you want, you can take a look." The manager said.

"Okay." Wang Yongbin took a few glances and said, "Wrap everything up."

"Okay, Second Young Master." The manager suggested: "Second Young Master, do you want us to send it to the palace? It will save you tired hands."

"No, the most suitable gift is to give it in person!" Wang Yongbin had already begun to imagine that when he gave this gift to Man'er, the latter could not help but grinned: "Remember to wrap the gift in the package. Look better."

"Okay, Second Young Master." The manager waved his hand, and a staff member came over with the packing box and packed it on the spot.

The manager had also heard about the fact that the two young masters of the Wang family almost fought over a woman, but it was all the family's private affairs. In front of Wang Yongbin, the manager acted as if he didn't know anything.

"Okay, Second Young Master."

After packing, the manager handed the packing box to Wang Yongbin himself.

"The young master is gone, if there is something good, please let me know."

"Sure, sure, Second Young Master, go slowly."


After leaving Yuzhuo Pavilion, Wang Yongbin couldn't wait to go home and give gifts to his sweetheart.

Nearby underground parking.

Wang Yongbin opened the co-pilot's door, just put the gift box on the driver's seat, was about to close the car door, and went around to the main driver's door, when suddenly someone slapped him on the back.

Wang Yongbin turned his head subconsciously, and what greeted him was an infinitely magnified fist!

One punch.

Wang Yongbin was beaten unconscious.

Ling Jue caught Wang Yongbin's limp body in time, and then stuffed him into the back seat of the car.

Ling Jue picked up the car keys that fell on the ground, turned his head and looked in one direction——

Not far away, another car was parked.

The figures of Su Tingyu and Xie Puyu appeared from the car.

Seeing that Ling Jue had done something, Xie Puyu gestured and nodded.

Then, in the parking lot, two cars drove out one after the other.


After bringing Wang Yongbin to the homestay, Ling Jue woke Wang Yongbin up.

As soon as Wang Yongbin woke up, he found that he didn't know where he was, and there were three strangers looking at him in front of him, and he suddenly became confused: "Who are you?!"

"I tell you! Don't mess around! I am the second young master of the Wang family!"

Looking at this reaction, Wang Yongbin seemed to regard Su Tingyu and the others as kidnappers.

Xie Puyu pulled a stool over and sat down. He stared at Wang Yongbin: "Second Young Master Wang, please calm down. We just have some things and I would like your cooperation."

"What's the matter?" Wang Yongbin looked suspicious.

"You know Tian Man, right?" Xie Puyu continued, "How much do you know about her?"

"You guys! You are here for Maner! You are also here to snatch Maner from me?! Impossible! Maner is mine!!" Wang Yongbin's expression suddenly became agitated. , faintly flashed a trace of pink light.

And this weird pink light was caught by the three of Su Tingyu.

(End of this chapter)

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