Bug in survival game

Chapter 676 The thief's useful professional talent

Chapter 676 The thief's useful professional talent
Su Tingyu and the three looked at each other.

"I saw it in his eyes..."

"You read it all right?"


A person, may be an illusion.

But all three of them saw it, so it wasn't a coincidence or an illusion.

Seeing Wang Yongbin faintly showing signs of dementia, Xie Puyu gave up using normal methods. He stood up and said to Su Tingyu: "We'll go out first, and leave the rest to you."

"En." Su Tingyu nodded.

This is a utility room. After Xie Puyu and Ling Jue went out one after another, they closed the door.

When Wang Yongbin saw that only Su Tingyu was left, he suddenly started to get angry, got up from the ground, and ran towards Su Tingyu.

Who knows, but was avoided by Su Tingyu's light sideways.

Without wasting any more time, Su Tingyu began singing hypnosis.

As soon as he sang a short lyric, the rioting Wang Yongbin seemed to be discouraged all of a sudden, and he stood there blankly, his eyes collapsed.

['Pure Heart·Singer''s first professional talent: Resting Soul Shadow]

In the item bar, the mermaid conch was shining, and Su Tingyu first used the first professional talent to hypnotize the person.


"Wang Yongbin."


"The second young master of the Wang family."


After asking a few basic questions, the hypnotized Wang Yongbin closed his eyes and answered fluently.

Su Tingyu started to get to the point: "Do you know Tian Man? How did you know him?"

But when asked about the word "Tian Man", Wang Yongbin struggled a little on his calm face.

Su Tingyu recalled that Wang Yongbin was always unusual, so he continued to use his second professional talent.

['Pure Heart·Singer' Second Professional Talent: Teana Purification]

If Su Tingyu was right, the key to the role of the second job talent lies in the word "purification".

As for how much it can be "purified"...

With the activation of the second professional talent, Wang Yongbin gradually regained his composure, and the aura around him also became peaceful.

Su Tingyu asked again: "Do you know Tian Man? How did you know him?"

Wang Yongbin answered this time, "Yes, I met in a bar. I was having a good time, and that Tian Man fell in front of me inexplicably. This kind of woman, I can meet ten or eight in a month." , I can tell at a glance that she is planning, and I don't even look at her beauty, and I want to hook up with this young master..."

Su Tingyu felt something was wrong.

Listening to what Wang Yongbin said, it seemed that he didn't like Tian Man, even disdainful.

Then why did the fight with his elder brother for Tian Man happen later?

Su Tingyu: "Do you like Tian Man?"

Wang Yongbin: "Joke, how ugly that woman is, she can't compare to a finger of my Xiaoyan!"

Su Tingyu: "Then do you still remember that you almost fell out with your elder brother because of Tian Man?"

At this time, Wang Yongbin did not answer decisively, and his expression fell into confusion and entanglement: "...Damn it, how could this young master snatch a woman from my elder brother?

At this point in the question, Su Tingyu vaguely had an answer, so she didn't ask any more. She wanted to wait for Wang Yongbin to wake up before asking.

So, Su Tingyu opened the door and signaled Xie Puyu and Ling Jue who were waiting outside to come in.

"How is it?" Xie Puyu asked.

"Sure enough, there is a problem, and it may be 'supernatural' playing tricks." Su Tingyu expressed his own judgment.

As a non-order member, Su Tingyu is no stranger to the word "supernatural".

Su Tingyu quickly thought about Wang Yongbin's abnormality.

(End of this chapter)

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