Bug in survival game

709 Dangerous 2

709 Dangerous 2
Somewhere in the suburbs.

In a small villa surrounded by a dense forest, Qu Xinyue stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window on the second floor, holding a lighter in her right hand, and was lighting it up one after another.

A gust of night wind gently blew over Qu Xinyue's skirt, and in the shadow behind her, there was an overlapping figure: "Gu Qi's people are almost here, you need to evacuate."

Qu Xinyue said, "Is everything arranged?"


"The kid has grown up, and it's not as easy to coax as before." Qu Xinyue's face was relaxed, without any sense of nervousness: "Is that thing done?"

"It's done." The man replied.

Qu Xinyue smiled with interest: "Very good."

The kid really did what she said, she was found not long after she came back.


Before confirming whether Gu Yan is dead or not, she is not going to be serious about this kid.

However, you can spend a house with the children.

"Let's go." Qu Xinyue looked at the time on the clock. After the seconds passed, she turned and left the spot, her figure disappeared into the shadows.


Less than 5 minutes.

Outside the secluded small villa, a group of people gradually came and began to completely block every exit of the small villa.

"Master, it's just ahead."

"He's gone." Gu Qi only glanced at the surroundings of the villa before making a judgment.

"People... people left? Left early?"

Gu Qi ignored the shock of his subordinates, he walked in the forefront, and stepped into the small villa first.

Behind him, Qi Bubai used the transmitter to command.

"Search the villa..."



After about ten minutes, someone ran over eagerly: "Master, there is a person in the basement with his hands and feet tied to a chair and his face covered with a white cloth."

"lead the way."

Inside the basement.

Most conspicuously, an unknown person suspected of being a woman was tied to a chair, and his life and death were unknown.

At this time, when a recorder placed in the corner seemed to be set, it would automatically play the sound stored in it.

"Long time no see, Xiaoqi."

"I just came back, so you sent such a big team to welcome me? I'm so happy..."

"I also want to play with you again, unfortunately, I have other things to do, I'm sorry, don't cry..."

"By the way, Xiao Qi, I have prepared a small gift for you, I hope you like it."

After the recorder finished playing the last sentence, it fell into a burst of jamming, and then, it completely ended the playback.

Gu Qi glanced at the recorder, then took a few steps closer, and lifted the white cloth covering the man on the chair. The next second, the stunning beauty that caught his eyes made his eyes slightly startled.

is her?

single feather?

Why is she here?

For no reason, Gu Qi immediately thought of the "gift" that Qu Xinyue mentioned, could it be that...

"Master, what should we do with this man?" Qi Bubai took a few steps closer, checked Xia Shan Yu's condition, and found that Shan Yu had a serious wound on his forehead, and only had some bruises on his arm, which was not a serious problem .

Gu Qi looked back: "Take it away."

"Master, you know him?" Qi Bubai's eyes were slightly surprised. When did my master meet a girl, but I didn't hear any news about it.

"I don't know." Gu Qi turned around and walked towards the door without looking back.

Qi Bubai: ...

do not know?
I really don't know you, you probably won't even take a look at it?

Qi Bubai called a subordinate, asked the latter to take Shan Yu with him, and then evacuated the place.

(End of this chapter)

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