Bug in survival game

Chapter 710 Single Feather 1

Chapter 710 Single Feather 1
A person walked out of the back door and reported to Gu Qi in front of him:

"Master Jiu, she was drugged. Apart from coma and loss of consciousness, she has not seen any other problems so far. After six hours, when the effect of the drug wears off, she will naturally wake up."

"Hmm." Gu Qi responded.


After the man left, he took a few steps forward, his cold eyes fell on Shan Yu in the car, he looked at Shan Yu for a few seconds, then reached out and closed the car door.

Gu Qi turned around and sat in the co-pilot, after a while, Qi Bubai came, and he sat in the main driver's seat.

Qi Bubai turned his head to look at Shan Yu behind him, and asked Gu Qi: "Master, do you want to take this young lady back to the manor, or do you make another arrangement?"

Gu Qi said nothing.

Seeing this, Qi Bubai continued: "This young lady appeared here, maybe it was some kind of trap set by that person. I suggest that after she wakes up, I will investigate again."

"No need." Gu Qi finally spoke.

"She got into trouble with Qu Xinyue, she was not Qu Xinyue's person."

"Huh? Master, can you be more specific?" Qi Bubai continued to ask while starting the car.

"In a copy, I know it."

Gu's "specific" has six more words.

Qi Bubai can only guess by himself: "You met that person in the dungeon earlier, and this young lady helped you in the dungeon? Did you mess with that person?"

"...Mmm." Gu Qi responded lightly.

"Master, then she is your friend, right? Where does she need to be placed? That person kidnapped this lady this time, it should be a warning and a threat to this lady."

"Take it back to the manor."

"Okay, master." Qi Bubai smiled imperceptibly upon hearing this.

Except for Ms. Su, this is the first time that Master will accept foreign girls into the manor.

"By the way, master, this lady is..." Qi Bubai had some guesses, because Gu Qi asked him to check the identity information of a girl before, so he couldn't tell if it was the same person.

Gu Qi: "Shan Yu."

"It turned out to be Miss Shan."

Sure enough, it was the same person.

Qi Bubai calculated the time in his heart, and he still met Miss Shan before that person appeared.

"Master, what is Miss Shan's level and various statistics in the game?"

Out of habit, when meeting someone who also enters the parallel paradise in reality, Qi Bubai's first thought is to determine whether this person can be absorbed into the "Punishment".

This was the case with Su Tingyu and others before, and it is the same with Shan Yu now.

"The fourth batch of players just got a job, and their strength is average." Gu Qi seemed to think of something, his eyes sank.

"Professional gamer?" Qi Bubai was a little surprised.

Although tokens appear more frequently now, professional players are still scarce.

[-]. How to get tokens.

[-]. Before the token matching is successful, how to ensure that your token will not be taken away by others during this period.

[-]. Entering the job dungeon, the main task is a difficult point, and the final job quota is another difficult point.

[-]. The most important point is that after a round of job dungeons, generally only one or two people can really get a job, and it is rare for several people to get a job.

"Master, Miss Shan's occupation, you won't get it in the round of occupation dungeon you just came out, right?"

Otherwise, how could I conclude that Shan Yu is a professional gamer without going through an investigation?
Only if you have entered the same round of professional dungeons and encountered them, will you know.

(End of this chapter)

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