Bug in survival game

Chapter 713 Single Feather 4

Chapter 713 Single Feather 4
…Just after Qi Bubai separated from Su Tingyu, he went to find Gu Qi.

"My lord, how do you think about it? Professional players are very rare, even the elite members of Xing, not everyone is a professional player."

Gu Qi raised his eyes: "Do you really want her to join the punishment?"

Qi Bubai smiled calmly: "I'm considering it from the standpoint of punishment, and it was the same with Ms. Su and the others before."

"As you arrange."

Gu Qi was silent for a few seconds before uttering a sentence.

"Master, if Ms. Shan agrees to join Xing, since she is a professional player, she is only arranged as an official member, which is a bit overkill, why not recruit elite members?" Qi Bubai suggested.

"That person should have his eye on Miss Shan. If Miss Shan is leaving the manor today, she might encounter many dangers in the future."

The Gu's Manor is very large. Apart from Gu Qi's daily life, since the emergence of Parallel Paradise, it has also become the residence of some elite members.

Because in reality, there will be some people who have difficulties in life, and if they meet the conditions and are members of the elite of Xing, they will have the opportunity to live in the manor.

Moreover, because they have to enter the dungeon every few days, even some elite members with stable jobs and good economic conditions in reality apply to live in the manor for convenience and to hide secrets.

Qi Bubai's proposal was reasonable and reasonable, and he couldn't fault it.

Gu Qi glanced at Qi Bubai, although it sounded okay, but Gu Qi still felt a little strange, and the latter looked calm and looked back at him with a smile.

"Okay, you arrange it."

In the end, Gu Qi followed Qi Bubai's suggestion.

"Okay, let's calculate the time. At this moment, Miss Shan should wake up too. I'll invite someone over."


Qi Bubai brought Shan Yu to the door of the study, he raised his hand and knocked on the door, then pushed the door open and entered.

Shan Yu followed him in, and for the first time, saw Gu Qi in reality.

Nothing changed, Gu Qi still wore a pair of sunglasses.

However, in a dungeon that just got used to the smaller Gu Qi and the Gu Qi who didn't wear sunglasses, at first glance, Shan Yu was really unfamiliar, and he unconsciously glanced at Gu Qi's eyes twice... um, what? None of them were seen.

"Thank you."

When we met, Shan Yu couldn't help but thank him face to face.

"No, I'm causing trouble." Gu Qi replied forcefully, and then cut straight to the point:
"My subordinate proposed to let you join Xing, what do you think?"

"Ah?" Shan Yu was slightly taken aback: "Xing... oh, your alliance in the game?"

Gu Qi replied without thinking: "Nonsense."

Shan Yu: ...that's it?Like an inviting tone?
"Yes, Miss Shan." Qi Bubai felt that he had to speak up to warm things up:

"We are very fond of Ms. Shan's status as a professional player. If Ms. Shan agrees to join Xing, she can directly become an elite member of Xing, and she can get both real and in-game preferential treatment. In addition, because of what happened last night, we also I am very concerned about Miss Shan's personal safety, and if she joins the punishment, Miss Shan can choose to live in the manor, and the manor is equipped with various security measures."

"Elite members? Still living here?" Shan Yu's face sparked a hint of interest.

"The elite members of Xing are divided into three levels, top level, secondary level, and primary level. With Miss Shan's ability, you can join the secondary level first, and then enter the top level after a one-month probationary period."

(End of this chapter)

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