Bug in survival game

Chapter 714 Findings 1

Chapter 714 Findings 1
"Seven seven~"

On the other side, Su Tingyu, who was separated from Shan Yu, went to find Qin Qi.

In the room, Wei Zhu was watching TV with Qin Qi.

"Sister Su, good morning." Wei Zhu stood up to say hello, and at the same time, he also knew that he should go.

"Good morning, little pig." Su Tingyu smiled and waved his paw.

After Wei Zhu left, Su Tingyu couldn't wait to share the new news with Qin Qi.

"Qiqi, Sister Shan Yu is here."

Qin Qi blinked his eyes: "Huh?"

"It's like this..." Su Tingyu explained the situation a little bit.

After Su heard Yu finished speaking, he found Qin Qi staring at him, and said seriously: "Then you have to be careful."

If Qu Xinyue can trouble Shan Yu, she must also want to trouble Su Tingyu.

"Yeah, I know~"


Watching TV with Qin Qi for a while, Su Tingyu took out her mobile phone, and two documents were sent to her mobile phone, one was the results of the investigation of Jinxiu Apartment by Deputy Wang and others, and the other was the solution to the problem. It's from Puyu.

Su Tingyu glanced at Qin Qi, who was still watching TV, so she clicked on the first document.

The Will Consortium is a real estate giant in the world. In the past ten years, it has begun to enter the real estate industry of Tianchao, and many Jinxiu apartments in China are its products.

For a long time, Jinxiu Apartment has combined Chinese and Western elements, and has been favored by the rich in China. Since the construction of Jinxiu Apartment, there has never been a bad incident of the owner being robbed.

But this time, Shan Yu was overshadowed by Qu Xinyue at the door of her house. So far, the management of Jinxiu Apartment seems to be calm and nothing has been discovered.

When Deputy Wang and others went to the apartment where Shan Yu lived to search for clues and collect evidence, they found that all traces in the apartment had been wiped clean, leaving no trace of abnormality, as if the kidnapping had never happened.

After noticing the abnormality, Deputy Wang did not choose to directly apply for investigation and monitoring, but asked technicians to hack into the monitoring of Jinxiu Apartment.

In the end, it actually showed that during the period of last night, the surveillance system of Jinxiu Apartment was not turned on at all.

Then, Su Tingyu took a look at the background of the Will Consortium.

The Will Consortium is formed by the Will family of a certain country, and the current head of the Tianchao District is Will Barton, the first heir of the Will family.

Although this person is over forty years old, he has not yet married a wife, and he is handsome, wealthy and has a status. He is a proper golden bachelor, and he still has the title of Duke of his own country.

The first heir has no bad habits, but he spends a few days every month on his own private island for vacation, and the situation on the island is temporarily unknown.


After reading the first document, Su Tingyu went to the second document.

When Su Tingyu saw the first paragraph, his eyes widened slightly in surprise.

Qu Xinyue... is Gu Jiu's biological mother?
I go.

what happened?

Su Tingyu continued to look down.

More than 20 years ago, there was a woman who was not afraid of death to come to the Gu family to make trouble, and claimed that she gave birth to a son for the childless former head of the Gu family.

In the end, the woman who only showed one face mysteriously disappeared without being caught by the Gu family.

At that time, Gu Qi had just been picked up by the previous head of the family, and had not announced his identity to the public. Because of this disturbance, Gu Qi's identity had to be exposed and officially admitted to the public.

Su Tingyu thought back to Qu Xinyue he met in the island prison... Well, I really can't think of it, she would be Gu Qi's biological mother.

It doesn't feel like mother and child at all...

(End of this chapter)

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