Bug in survival game

Chapter 726 Yin Yang City 8

Chapter 726 Yin Yang City 8
After searching for more than two hours of information, Su Tingyu finally had a certain understanding of this dungeon world.

Now, there is no way to go to the Jiyang Continent for the time being, so Su Tingyu can only stay in the Jiyin Continent to see if he can find Qin Qi and others.

It was almost 12 o'clock, Su Tingyu released the big gray vigil, and then went to bed.

Just as Su Tingyu closed her eyes, she suddenly thought of something:

"Qi Qi and Gu Jiu are both men. If they appeared in the extreme yin area, they would be eaten alive by the women in the extreme yin area..."

Ahem... Both the item bar and professional talent can be used, even if the physique deteriorates, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Thinking of this, Su Tingyu fell asleep in peace.


The night is getting dark, the sky and the earth are lonely, the lights of thousands of households are gradually turned off, and in the luxurious and chaotic city of the rich, the nightlife has just begun.

In a white jade castle full of elegance and style, beautiful and soothing light music came out one after another.

The gate of the castle is open, welcoming many high-class ladies in exquisite dresses, and some women will be accompanied by two to five "pets".

In the Jiyin Continent, in public places, a man wearing a collar around his neck means that he has a master, and the women next to him cannot harass the man who has a master at will.

But once you meet a man who doesn't wear a collar, if he looks good and is attracted to him, it is very likely that women will fight for it in public, or even take him away forcibly.

And if women are interested in a pet with an owner, they can negotiate and trade with the pet's owner first. If the original owner agrees, they can also take away the pet they like.

"Long time no see, Sister Zhu, you look very good today, you feel ten years younger..."

"Really? You are so sweet, I don't even feel it myself."

"District Chief Li, who is busy with work, is also here to participate in the auction?"

"Haha, just to relax and relax."


As more and more high-class ladies gather together, it is easy to meet acquaintances, start to smirk and exchange pleasantries.

In the parking plaza opposite the castle, a bright red RV is very eye-catching. The exterior of the car is inlaid with gemstones of different colors, shining brightly.

At this time, in the RV, apart from the driver in the front seat and two bodyguards, on the lathe behind, a fat woman was holding a small white man in each arm. One of them rubbed the fat woman's shoulders and legs, and the other Holding a small plate of grapes, peeled off the skin, and handed it to the fat woman's mouth.

And on the small sofa opposite the fat woman, Shan Yu was browsing the information of this dungeon world on the Internet with a new mobile phone.

"Master, I will invite you to see how the goods are in the auction later. I need to find a Wang Ziming pet, preferably three times a year." The fat woman looked at Shan Yu respectfully, and said in her tone, With a bit of longing.

Just a few hours ago, the fat woman happened to meet Shan Yu who had just entered the dungeon. The latter was confused and couldn't figure out the situation for a while.

And when the fat woman met Shan Yu, who was excellent in both appearance and figure, she felt a little bit of a desire to ask for advice.

Although fat women have money and power, they can't lose their body fat no matter what, so that when they meet a thin and beautiful woman, they can't help but learn from it.

Naturally, Shan Yu didn't miss the "New Village NPC" that came to his door.

Knowing the needs of the fat woman, Shan Yu fooled around for a while, and then took out the beauty supplements in the inventory that had an immediate effect in the inventory while the other party was not paying attention, and immediately gained the other party's trust.

(End of this chapter)

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