Bug in survival game

Chapter 727 Yin Yang City 9

Chapter 727 Yin Yang City 9
"Okay, no problem, leave it to me."

Shan Yu smiled lightly on his face, but his heart was beeping.

Holding this thing three times a year... I don't know if I can see my professional talent.

When the fat woman believed that he could help her lose weight, Shan Yu accidentally heard the voice of a pet beside the fat woman... To be precise, it was a voice with evil intentions.

This is a passive talent in the single feather profession, which can receive the voice of evil thoughts within a certain range.

And this kind of reception, Shan Yu can also block it independently.

However, when he first entered the dungeon, Shan Yu didn't block it in advance for safety's sake. Unexpectedly, he gained something all of a sudden.

The fat woman's pet had an affair with a female confidant of the former in private. At that time, he was complaining that the fat woman's skills were not as good as the female confidant, and he even confessed that the female confidant had secretly taken refuge in the fat woman before. I also complained about the political opponents in my heart.

Naturally, Shan Yu would not let go of this door-to-door voting certificate.

When the fat woman heard the news, she was shocked and angry, but she didn't believe it completely at the first time, but went to investigate first.

The results are all right.

The fat woman quickly dealt with this matter, and Shan Yu's special ability to "predict",

So, the fat woman made a very weird request:
—— Let Shan Yu help to "predict" a man who can prosper his wife and son.

The fat woman is Mei Lanxiang, a high-ranking official who has worked in the officialdom for decades and has played with many pets, but she still hasn't given birth to a daughter.

Therefore, compared to beauty and weight loss, Mei Lanxiang was more concerned about when she would have a daughter.

And Shan Yu's "no warning" prophetic method was mistaken by Mei Lanxiang for "prediction".

In order to gain Mei Lanxiang's greater trust, Shan Yu had no choice but to go with the flow and use the metaphysics in the real world to fool the latter.

Shan Yu made up his mind to figure out the dungeon world before looking for an opportunity to sneak away. Before that, he would just fool around.

Tonight, there will be an auction in the castle. Celebrities from all walks of life are invited to participate, and the auctioned goods are a group of delicate and white male chicks.

The pets around Mei Lanxiang were unworthy, so she also came to participate in this auction.

Naturally, Shan Yu was also invited to come together.

"Master, if you have something you like in tonight's auction, feel free to mention it, and I'll help you take a picture."

When getting out of the car and entering the arena, Mei Lanxiang promised very proudly.

"Thank you Meiju."

Women in the extremely yin zone have become accustomed to treating men as "goods" and "pets", just like they need to eat and drink.

At first, Shan Yu was a little surprised, but now, he has gradually gotten used to it.


Inside the castle.

Shan Yu followed Mei Lanxiang to the corridor on the fifth floor of the castle. Each floor of the castle has a semicircular corridor. Looking down from the corridor, you can see the auction platform arranged in the hall on the first floor.

On the corridor, the second and third floors are free areas where people can stand and move around at will.

Above the third floor, seats will be arranged. One group of seats has a main seat and three secondary seats, and each group of seats is separated from each other by a floor-to-ceiling screen. The tables and chairs are complete, and drinks and snacks can be served at any time. There are waiters standing by at all times.

In addition, the height of the floor is also a reflection of the status.

(End of this chapter)

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