Bug in survival game

Chapter 748 Yin Yang City 30

Chapter 748 Yin Yang City 30
Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes: "Women in the extreme yin area all have special abilities, but it seems that they have never witnessed the specific abilities... If there is a threat..."

It seems that it will be very difficult for a male player who has lost his confidence in the item bar to compete with the extremely yin woman with only some ordinary weapons.

Su Tingyu has a way, and that is - hypnosis.

However, hypnosis is not a panacea, and there is a time limit.

When he was at Blue Star, Su Tingyu cooperated with many tests, and the test results showed that:

Su Tingyu's song can be hypnotized regardless of the species, but the hypnosis time will vary from person to person.

Judging from the overall data, the better the physical fitness of a person, the shorter the hypnosis time will be.

Theoretically, when a person or a certain creature is strong enough, they will not be afraid of Su Tingyu's hypnosis... Of course, this only exists in theory, and the creatures that Su Tingyu cannot hypnotize have not yet been discovered.

In addition, Su Tingyu has never shown the power of hypnosis in front of Gu Qi and Shan Yu. If he wants to use it, how to explain it is also a problem.

"If, on the day of the riot, all the high-level officials in Jiyin City were imprisoned, or they were stumbled because of something, then the goal of 'revolt' would be easier to achieve." Su Tingyu analyzed road.

Gu Qi: "But the premise is that those people need to get together to have a chance to do it."

"...not in a hurry, wait slowly, as long as it doesn't exceed seven days." Su Tingyu took out the computer he carried with him: "Before that, let's get the preparations done first."

"The route of the city, the hiding places of the personnel, the purchase and distribution of weapons..." Su Tingyu looked at the piles of affairs, and was very decisive, pushing all of them to Gu Qi: "Hehe, there is a specialization in surgery, Boss, come here~"

Gu Qi let out a "huh" and took over the computer.

"I'll continue to make missing person notices!" Su Tingyu was thinking about Qin Qi's whereabouts, and this time, he went to play a few more radio stations.

...until dusk came, the two of them came out of the restaurant and went back to look for Shan Yu.

But after going back, Su Tingyu and Gu Qi waited until after dinner, and then Shan Yu returned to the small villa to meet them.

"Sister Shan Yu, you're back!"

Shan Yu rubbed the space between his eyebrows: "Mei Wenxiang is a bit difficult to deal with, and if she doesn't give some real benefits, she won't be able to fool her."

In this short period of one or two days, if it weren't for Shan Yu's inventory with some game items with obvious effects, it would be difficult to satisfy Mei Wenxiang just relying on his daily experience.

Moreover, although Mei Wenxiang seems to treat Shan Yu with courtesy, her real personality is no different from other extremely yin women, they are all the same arrogant, conceited, self-centered, and only care about self-enjoyment...

"How is the progress on your side?" Shan Yu asked.

Su Tingyu was full of confidence: "Everything is going well."

"That's good." Shan Yu relaxed slightly.

"By the way, at noon the day after tomorrow, Mei Wenxiang was invited to a banquet where senior executives gathered. It is very likely that members of the royal family will also be there in person, and Mei Wenxiang asked me to go with her. How about you? Do you want to come together?"

"Senior official?" Su Tingyu chuckled: "Sister, I'm going."

Almost all dignitaries will come, even members of the royal family will be present... Hehehe, isn't this a chance?What else is this?
Gu Qi glanced at Su Tingyu, who had become extremely excited, and then looked away coldly.

"That's okay, let's all go together." Shan Yu looked down at the time displayed on the phone: "It's getting late, let's rest first."

(End of this chapter)

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