Bug in survival game

Chapter 749 Yin Yang City 31

Chapter 749 Yin Yang City 31
"Okay, there are quite a lot of rooms here, which one do I want to live in?" Su Ting hurriedly came to the edge of the stairs.

Su Tingyu turned his head, but found that neither of them moved.

"By the way, according to the weather forecast I just checked, it is likely to rain tonight, or even drop in temperature, and there will be frost, etc. Do you understand what I mean?" Shan Yu raised his hand and gestured for the phone in his hand.

Gu Qi was still sitting on the sofa, not saying a word.

Shan Yu blinked her beautiful eyes lightly, the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, and deliberately slowed down her tone: "And, how can there be..."

"Shut up." Gu Qi realized what Shan Yu was going to say later, and he couldn't deliberately pretend he couldn't hear him, so he could only interrupt anxiously.

Su Tingyu, on the other hand, was a little confused: "Ah, what kind of charades are you two playing?"

Can you tell the little fairy?

The little fairy is very curious wow!
Shan Yu smoothed things over: "It's okay, Susu, you can go to rest, there are vacant rooms here, you can just pick one."

"Oh, yes, Miss Shan Yu." Su Tingyu glanced at Shan Yu, then at Gu Qi, and finally chose not to ask any questions.

After Su Tingyu left, the atmosphere in the living room seemed a bit stagnant.

In the end, it was Shan Yu who broke the deadlock.

The room for the first night was on the first floor.

Shan Yu left the living room and saw the door within a few steps.

"Why are you standing still, come in." After Shan Yu opened the door, he didn't rush in, but turned his head to look at the man who was still sitting stiffly on the sofa in the living room.

Gu Qiping's hands on his knees were slightly clenched into fists, and after a few seconds, they were released.

Gu Qi stood up and walked over.

Seeing this, Shan Yu turned his head and walked into the room.

"You wash me?"

As soon as Gu Qi entered the door, he heard Shan Yu throw a sentence.

"Whatever." Gu Qi pursed his lower lip.

"That's fine."

Just like last night, the two settled their private affairs peacefully.

Then, rest on both sides of the "[-]th Parallel".


In the middle of the night, the weather forecast did not lie to Shan Yu, and Shan Yu did not lie to Gu Qi either.

Outside the window, a gust of wind hits.

After a while, the sound of ticking water sounded.

In the room without a ray of light, Shan Yu opened his eyes, and immediately turned his head to check the situation of the person beside him.


Shan Yu yelled softly.

no response.

The sound of the rain outside the window became more and more violent, easily covering up Shan Yu's voice.

But Shan Yu felt that something was wrong with the people around him.

Gu Qi is very vigilant, but if there is any movement, he can react in the fastest time. Why is it... too quiet now.


Shan Yu called out again, and at the same time, she was about to reach out, but she remembered something, and turned to turn on the bedside lamp.

With the help of the light, Shan Yu could clearly see Gu Qi's current situation.

The man's body was stiff, like a piece of wood, his face was very disturbed, and his eyes were tightly closed.

The light from the bedside lamp fell on half of the bed, and part of it fell on Gu Qi's side face.

It seemed that there was light, and the nervousness on Gu Qi's face eased a lot at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When Gu Qi was completely awakened, he opened his somewhat sleepy cat pupils, and looked at Shan Yu slightly dully: "...Huh?"

Shan Yu moved her position so that the light from the bedside lamp would shine more on Gu Qi.

Shan Yu saw that the person in front of her had gradually relaxed her body, and her limbs were no longer stiff. She stared at it for a while, then said calmly:
"Are you afraid of the dark? Why don't you say..."

Hearing this, Gu Qi froze and immediately turned his back.

Where Shan Yu couldn't see, Gu Qi's right hand clenched the bed sheet tightly, and there was a little annoyance in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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