Bug in survival game

Chapter 762 Yin Yang City 44

Chapter 762 Yin Yang City 44
"No, it's nothing...just..." Gu Qi turned his head slightly, his face hard to discern.

Gu Gu felt a little weird in his heart, this feeling of being protected by others the whole time was very... awkward.

Moreover, this woman is obviously the same as before, with a smiling attitude, but Gu Qi still feels that something has changed.

Shan Yu was confused: "What is it?"

Gu Qi regained his composure: "It's okay."

"That's fine." Since Gu Qi refused to make it clear, Shan Yu didn't bother to continue asking, and returned to the topic: "Find a bag to put things in... this is it."

Shan Yu found a drawstring bag in the room and put the head of 'Mei Wenxiang' into it.

"Okay." Shan Yu held the bag rope that tied his pockets, and his expression looked a little happy.

"By the way, Gu Qi, you stay here first."

Gu Qi: "What's wrong?"

Shan Yu blinked her beautiful eyes lightly, and smiled at the corner of her mouth: "I sent you here, how could you leave in a few minutes? This will make Mei Wenxiang's confidantes suspicious."

Mei Wenxiang wanted to do that kind of thing, so she dismissed her confidants early on, but the latter should also be insiders.

If Gu Qi appeared, but Mei Wenxiang disappeared for a long time, it would easily arouse suspicion.


Shan Yu looked around, then pointed to the small sofa beside him: "You can sit anywhere, and when the riot starts, you can leave, and I will come to you when the time comes."


Pausing for a moment, he turned his head and glanced at the headless corpse on the ground and the blood sprayed all over the place.

Shan Yu was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly remembered something, turned his head immediately, and asked curiously: "Gu Jiuye, you shouldn't be afraid of being in the same room with a corpse, right? If you are afraid, you don't have to be brave ..."

Gu looked up at the black face: "...Get lost."


Shan Yu instantly felt relieved, seeing this reaction, he should not be afraid.


In an apartment complex near the winery.

A group of men looked angry and full of ambition.

These people are all extremely yin men who were 'fooled' by Xiong Jingqing and others in a short period of time.

In order to increase the success rate of persuasion, Xiong Jingqing and the others initially targeted those extremely yin men who had been smuggled here and had not yet completed their physical transformation.

I am used to the freedom of the Extreme Sun Continent, but once I stumbled and was caught in the Extreme Yin Continent, and will soon become a plaything for women, my heart must be unbalanced, and I want to seize every opportunity to escape back to the Extreme Sun Continent.

Therefore, Xiong Jingqing provided these people with hidden shelters, distributed weapons to them, and let them have their own power to fight against women, and even take revenge on women,

One of the leaders asked the crowd loudly: "Do you want to be oppressed by those women all the time? Do you think that the rest of your life will be a gloomy life where women play things?"

"No, we don't want to!" Everyone responded, each of them held various weapons like knives and guns.

"Brothers! We must resist! The opportunity is here, and it is likely to be the only time! Don't miss it! Go!"


There were hundreds of men present, and at this moment, the expressions on their faces showed the courage to put all their eggs in one basket.

They are very clear that they are going to do a very whimsical event.

But the arrow is on the string, there is no regrets, and no time to regret.

(End of this chapter)

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