Bug in survival game

Chapter 763 Yin Yang City 45

Chapter 763 Yin Yang City 45
When Shan Yu returned to the living room, he heard people around him discussing:
"The second princess wants to perform in public. As expected of the second princess, she is really versatile..."

"However, what is the second princess planning to perform?"

"It doesn't matter what you want to perform later, you have to be popular if you want to cheer."



There were quite a few of these voices. People gathered in groups of three or four couldn't help talking.

Shan Yu remembered Su Tingyu's explanation, so he quietly put on the earplugs and plugged up both ears.

"Next, let's watch Susu's performance..." Shan Yu sat in the corner, watching the scene calmly.

At this time, the lights in the audience were suddenly extinguished.

In the darkness, when people turned their heads to look around, a beam of light fell from the sky and hit the center of the stage.

On the stage, a figure appeared among them, holding a microphone in his hand.

"It's Your Highness the Second Princess..."

In the crowd, someone uttered a voice, and then everything fell silent.

Shan Yu looked at the 'Second Empress' on the stage, and after a moment of deliberation, he slowly raised the microphone——

"The traffic flow of the city and the trembling of the ground/like the gentleness of a stone falling into the center of the earth..."

"Undercurrent/The river flows through her building around the corner/Awakened by the nightmare/Whispering whispers wake up the cubs behind..."

"Ineffective sensory agitation is left / numb and dull, unable to feel..."

"The common support is all disintegrated / It's just that we all / have forgotten who is / who hides the spring and autumn / who after the heavy rain / puts the flag on the highest building..."

"The old is still holding on / The heart is rotten / Crumbling and unwilling to retreat / Destruction is salvation..."


Because she was wearing earplugs, Shan Yu couldn't hear the singing, but she could also sense it from the reactions of the people nearby.

In the beginning, these high-class ladies in the extremely shady area had the mentality of being ready to join in, no matter the good or the bad.

But slowly, the emotions of amazement and admiration were revealed in his eyes, and his expression was soothing, as if he was enjoying the wonderful voice.


One, two, three... One after another, people fell to the ground one after another. Even if they lost consciousness a little later, when they sensed something was wrong, they didn't have time to cover their ears. In the end, they all fell into a coma on the spot.

Shan Yu watched this scene helplessly, a little amazed.

What a magical prop ability.

I don't know whether Susu's game props are disposable or reusable.

Who would have noticed that singing can also be hypnotizing without warning?
Su Tingyu's singing at this moment is not only spread in the living room, but also directly transmitted to all parts of the winery by various audio equipment.

Except for the criminal members who took precautions in advance, everyone was recruited.

It was almost time to end. On the stage, the 'Second Empress' turned off the microphone in satisfaction. She swept her eyes away and looked even more satisfied when she saw the crowd of cheering audience.


At this time, the lights in the living room returned to normal, and the Xing members rushed to the scene within the agreed time, and quickly locked the handcuffs and ankles for the unconscious people on the ground.

But there were too many people, it would take some time, so Shan Yu took advantage of this gap and went back to look for Gu Qi.

When the two returned to the living room again, the scene was already under control.

"Hey, it's going well." Su Tingyu had already removed the effect of the disguise potion, and returned to his normal appearance.

 Lyrics taken from "Ultimate City"

(End of this chapter)

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