Bug in survival game

Chapter 766 Yin Yang City 48

Chapter 766 Yin Yang City 48
Just as Su Tingyu and the others were leisurely waiting for the panel system to appear——

at this time.

In the heterogeneous space of the Yin-Yang star.

"What's going on here? It's messed up...it's all messed up!!"

"What's the situation, hurry up and check..."

The managers of Yin-Yang Star received the alarm sound from the panel, each of them was in a state of surprise, and they all rushed to investigate the current situation of Yin-Yang Star.

Everything in the Extreme Sun Continent is still normal... But why did turmoil break out in the Extreme Yin Continent? !
Overnight, nearly half of the high-level system was paralyzed, and many men who became pets began to rise up and resist, and they couldn't beat women one-on-one. In time, many unprepared extremely yin women really stumbled.

"This group of lowly pets... how dare they?!" Among them, a female administrator was terrified and furious.

The rest of the male administrators present did not have much reaction. After all, the Yin-Yang Continent is divided and ruled, and the males in the Extreme Yang Continent and the males in the Extreme Yin Continent are two different groups.

"I found out that some players instigated the riots, and many high-ranking officials in the extremely dark area were wiped out..." Finally, an administrator found out the truth.

"These players... have so many things to do."


The administrators of the Yin Yang star present were speechless. Which bastard who suffered a thousand knives came up with such a crazy thing.

"Hurry up, ask those mastermind players why they did this? This is not within the scope of dungeon missions at all!"


Sea surface.

The deck of a ship.

Su Tingyu put a lot of delicacies in front of him, and was about to cook when a panel suddenly appeared in front of him.

Not only her, but all the players on the ship, the panel was opened uniformly.

"Hey, the panel finally responded?" Su Tingyu was a little surprised.

【warn!A number of players have acted unrelated to the dungeon mission for no reason, a warning!Warning once! 】

[Please ask the player who caused the riot to explain the rationality of this behavior!Otherwise, a penalty will be imposed once!Punish once! 】

"What? Punishment?" Su Tingyu was confused.

This is the first time I have encountered punishment.

"Master Jiu, there is still a reply on this panel, we..." Xiong Jingqing walked over.

Gu Qi looked at Su Tingyu: "You can reply to the plan you came up with."

"Oh, no problem!"

Su Tingyu looked at the empty text box below the text on the panel, thought for a second, and entered the content decisively...


5 minute later.

"Fuck! Those players seem to think that by doing this, they can clear the dungeon and then leave the dungeon..." The first Yin Yang star administrator who received the reply cursed.

One after another, the rest of the administrators couldn't understand after learning the reason.

"Mentally retarded! This group of players! Aren't all dungeon missions clearly written?"

"Sick Blue Star player!"

"...Well, it seems that we didn't release a clear copy task before."

I don't know who said the last sentence. Suddenly, the administrators in the audience fell silent like dumb fire.

"That, that's because those players' brain circuits are not good..."

"It's just to complete the task, and not let them destroy the dungeon world!"


The facts are already in front of our eyes, and the administrators are really helpless except to complain a few words.

If it weren't for the administrators not being able to directly deal with the players, the administrators of these Yin-Yang stars would have wanted to tear this group of Blue Star players apart.

"What should we do now?"

This is a question posed to administrators.

"Or, kick people away..."

"But Black Star..."

"Whatever Black Star, don't kick this group of players away, in case they have brain twitches and want to go to the Extreme Sun Continent to make another wave..."

"Forget it, hurry up, hurry up!!"


In the end, all Yin Yang star administrators agreed to the solution of kicking people quickly.

"Wait a moment!"

Just when the administrators of Yinyang Star were about to kick someone, a loud voice sounded, and the figures of three Bluestar administrators appeared in front of everyone.

"Hey, we've only walked away for a while, and there seems to be a little bit of a problem in your original world." The Blue Star administrator gloated.

Come on!
Those little bastards are not bad, they actually thought of loosening their 'muscles and bones' for Yin Yang Xing.

The administrator of Yinyang star pulled his old face: "You are here to watch a joke, so you can avoid it. As you wish, your blue star players will be able to leave soon."

The implication is that the three of you can go back wherever you came from, don't be an eyesore.

"Heh, Blue Star players came here to suffer for no reason, and now they want to kick people quickly? How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

"Then what do you want to do?" Looking at the rascal face of the Blue Star administrator, the Yin Yang Star administrators all had a headache.

People from Blue Star, whether alive or dead, are very vengeful and narrow-minded... This is a perception shared by the administrators of other worlds.

"Since it was your mistake that caused the players to have a very unfriendly dungeon experience, there must be some compensation, right?"

"Furthermore, if you don't take out something, if the Blue Star player thinks of something, suspects something, or discovers something carefully, it's normal, right?"

A Blue Star administrator said with a smile on his face, the meaning behind the words was already obvious.

— Hurry up, be quick, I want benefits.

——If you don't give it, I can't stop my mouth. If you say something at that time, it will not be considered as a violation of the administrator's principle.

"Okay, okay, then the dungeon rewards are doubled this time, all players are." A Yinyang star administrator said with a painful face, in his tone, it seemed that the Blue Star players took advantage of the sky.

But the Blue Star administrator didn't believe this.

Only doubled?What about sending beggars away?
The Blue Star administrator directly stated his price: "Game currency 20000, experience value 40000, random game item * 20, free attribute point * 20."

"Fuck! Robbery!"

"No way!"


As soon as this price came out, the administrators of the Yin Yang star became restless.

The Blue Star administrator, who had expected it for a long time, responded calmly:
"These are nothing compared to the mental loss of our 44444 Blue Star players."

"Also, not asking you to give Blue Star players a professional title is a great way to give you Yin Yang star face."

One job per person?
Bandits are not so bandit!

The two parties talked to each other for a long time. In the end, the administrator of Yinyang Star was worried that it would take too long, and those mentally retarded Blue Star players really ran out of the Extreme Sun Continent to cause harm, so they could only compromise.

If you don't give it, the price given is also reduced by half.

Finally, the 'spiritual damage fee' for these 44444 blue star players is: game currency 10000, experience value 20000, random game item*10, free attribute point*10.

(End of this chapter)

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