Bug in survival game

Chapter 767 Yin Yang City 49

Chapter 767 Yin Yang City 49 (End)

"My lord, there has been a riot at Chateau Rose!"

When Xu Jiawen told the latest news, there was still shock and joy on her face.

Qu Xinyue frowned: "What's going on? Tell me in detail."

She had just left the winery, so why was there a riot all of a sudden?

Xu Jiawen: "What I know so far is that all the women in the winery were killed or kidnapped, and the instigators were a group of men who appeared out of nowhere, and the identities of these men are being investigated by various forces. It is ruled out that the Jiyang Continent sent people in."

"Impossible! How dare a man from the Extreme Sun Continent step into the Extreme Yin Continent?" Qu Xinyue's first reaction was to not believe it, just as there is a reason why women in the Extreme Yin Continent dare not set foot on the Extreme Yang Continent.

"It's just a guess at the moment. Apart from this possibility, I can't think of a second one for the time being. It can't be the male pets in the extremely dark zone who rebelled... Er..." Xu Jiawen fell silent while talking.

There is really this possibility!

If it is a man from the Jiyang Continent who wants to cross the strait, and after lurking in the Jiyin Continent for a few days, he has accurately grasped a banquet where most of the high-ranking officials in the Jiyin Continent gathered, and finally quietly Sneaking in, killing or kidnapping so many women... is simply impossible.

"My lord, someone witnessed that the men who controlled the winery planted a flagpole in front of the door, and there was a head hanging on it, which belonged to Mei Wenxiang..." Xu Jiawen sighed a little.

"Mei Wenxiang is dead when he dies, you go and investigate this matter carefully." Qu Xinyue thought of Gu Qi and Shan Yu who were still in the winery, and changed the subject: "The pets that originally existed in the winery , how are they?"

Xu Jiawen replied: "I heard that those who want to leave are released, and those who want to join the riot team can join."


So the kid can't die?But that Shan Yu must not be so lucky, right?

Qu Xinyue was sitting on a deck chair, and in front of her was a private outdoor swimming pool: "If Crazy Geng comes, let him come in and find me."

"Okay, my lord." Xu Jiawen responded, then turned and left.

Just when Qu Xinyue was about to close her eyes and enjoy the rare quiet time, her panel popped up.

[Congratulations to all players who successfully cleared the 'Yin Yang City', all players will be sent a copy in ten seconds...]

"This is... the dungeon has been cleared?" Qu Xinyue looked at the countdown on the panel, full of doubts.

Didn't I say...you have to survive here for seven days to pass the mission?Now this customs clearance without warning...

[5, 4, 3, 2...]

Qu Xinyue felt a little regretful in her heart, it seemed that it was too late to see Crazy Geng.

Qu Xinyue quietly waited for the end of the countdown, but when the countdown reached '2', it suddenly stopped.

"Huh? What's the situation?"

Qu Xinyue just felt a trace of doubt in her heart when she suddenly realized that the space around her seemed to be frozen.

"Who? Come out?" Qu Xinyue glanced coldly around, with a vigilant expression.

There have never been any strange things in the world, only weird behind-the-scenes people... This is what Qu Xinyue firmly believes.

"Heh, you're quite courageous."

"After all, he is a parallel stowaway, so it's normal to be bold."

Depending on the space, there suddenly appeared a conversation between a man and a woman that seemed to be chatting, and the tone was ordinary, without the abruptness and embarrassment of suddenly breaking into someone else's territory.

"Come out, don't play tricks." Qu Xinyue stood up from the reclining chair, looked around with frowned eyes.

"Qu Xinyue, right?"

Suddenly, a female voice came from behind Qu Xinyue, she suddenly looked back, and saw a man and a woman.

The figures of these two people are extremely strange, Qu Xinyue can be sure that she has never seen these two people before.

And these two people... How did they avoid all the security guards and break in?Even before revealing herself, she was completely unaware of these two uninvited guests.

"Who are you? What is the purpose of coming here?" Qu Xinyue questioned the two of them while looking at them.

"Who are we?" The woman chuckled: "Does Parallel Paradise know?"

Hearing this, Qu Xinyue's pupils shrank suddenly.

The man introduced aloud: "You are a player, and you have experienced round after round of dungeons, and dungeons need management, repair, maintenance and other work to run normally, and we are the dungeon management responsible for this work. At the same time, we are the administrators of the Yin-Yang star."

"Why should I trust you?" Qu Xinyue's tone was indifferent, but in her heart, there was already a turbulent wave unconsciously.

The dungeon administrator...or the administrator of Yinyang Star...

For a while, the amount of information was too much, which even made Qu Xinyue feel suspicious of life.

However, even if it has something to do with Yin Yang Xing, what does it have to do with her?
"If you don't believe me, you can click on your panel to see if there is something new." The man smiled mysteriously.

So, Qu Xinyue dubiously opened it and found that there were indeed a lot of things.

——Game currency 10000, experience value 20000, random game item*10, free attribute point*10
"See, this is a small gift from us to use the administrator's power."

Qu Xinyue turned off the panel: "Then what? You came to me suddenly, it's not just for warmth, is it?"

"Of course not. I'll make a long story short. In short, Parallel Paradise is not a simple survival game, but involves battles between various parallel worlds, especially Blue Star."

"Blue Star?" Qu Xinyue's eyes changed slightly.

Qu Xinyue might have guessed why these two people wanted to find her.

Because I am an aborigine of the Yinyang star, but I went to the Blue star by accident, and now I have become a "Blue star player".

If there is some kind of competition and struggle between the two parallel worlds, then, my own position...

"I believe you have already guessed that this survival game involves various parallel worlds and all species living in the world. Even you cannot stay out of it." The woman looked at Qu Xinyue with a mysterious tone in her tone.

"So, what do you want me to do? Undercover? Spy? Just this little gift right now is not enough." Qu Xinyue crossed her arms and raised her chin slightly.

"Naturally, this is not the only thing. If you can help us smoothly, your benefits will be indispensable afterwards... Even the seat of eternal life may be given to you."

……eternal life.

Qu Xinyue read these two words in her heart, and suddenly smiled: "Just rely on your empty words?"

The man suggested: "Then how about we make a contract and use the panel system as evidence?"

Qu Xinyue spread her hands slightly: "Aren't you administrators? When the time comes, change the contract content of the panel system casually. Where can I find an explanation?"

"You can rest assured that we only have the right to manage the copy, and do not have the jurisdiction of the Parallel Paradise."

"Okay, deal."


(End of this chapter)

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