Bug in survival game

Chapter 795 Cool Summer Holiday 18

Chapter 795 Cool Summer Holiday 18
"I'll join!"

Before Gu Qi could finish speaking, Wei Chu directly made a choice.

Wei Chu felt helpless, there seemed to be two choices, but according to the current posture of the two, he had no choice.

Wei Chu actually doesn't care whether he joins Su Tingyu and Gu Qi, but in the real world, he is still an "employee" under Gu Qi's hands, so it seems that he can become Gu Qi's "employee" as a player. It is also a matter of course.

... Well, the most important thing is that as the boss, Gu Qi is quite generous, and the salary is also generous.

Qin Qi can stand up now, so there is no need for a nurse. Now that Wei Chu agrees to join the punishment, it is equivalent to changing jobs in time before the "former boss" fires the squid.

Wei Chu thought for a while, and suddenly felt that he was not at a disadvantage.

Gu Qi glanced at Wei Chu, surprised that the latter should be so agile... It seems that this person is not as mellow and honest as mentioned in the information.

"Hehehe, then everyone will be happy~" Su Tingyu smiled, and took out a pack of snacks from the passenger seat, and handed it to Wei Chu in a very grand manner: "Here, you are welcome to meet me~ If you want to eat, there are more What..." As he said, he continued to take another bag.

"Ah? Thank you, Sister Su." Wei Chu looked at the snacks in his hand, stared blankly for a second, and then thanked her.

Gu Qi who was driving: ...very capable, using his things as favors.

Feeling someone's cold gaze, Su Tingyu smiled disapprovingly, and eagerly changed the subject: "Okay, okay, let's get down to business! Isn't the dating mode already started! We can't miss it!"

Wei Chu was in a dilemma: "But the current map is gone."

"There is no map, but there are a lot of players, and there will always be a meeting, and if you make an appointment, there will inevitably be some noise~" Su Tingting talked eloquently.

"Sister Su, you mean, we..." Wei Chu's eyes brightened slightly.

"That's right! We want to be chirping orioles!" Su Tingyu raised his chin slightly.

"Ah? Chattering?" Wei Chu was a little confused, what does this describe?
Gu Qi started the car and started to set off: "The dating mode has just started, there is no need to go to such lengths to find someone to make a dating, there are more ready-made treasures."

Su Tingyu was stunned, and immediately threw away the idea of ​​twittering: "Yes, there are only a few hundred red dots now, that is, hundreds of players have treasures. If there are fewer, there is no map, and people are hard to find."

"Ready-made treasures..." Wei Chu's eyes fell on the two porcelains in his hand.

Su Tingyu tilted his head and took a look: "Little pig, that shop just now sells modern porcelain, right?"

It is a bit unbelievable that historical relics appear in ordinary porcelain shops.

"Yes, Sister Su, I discovered this by accident. I have seen the rest of the porcelain in the store, and these two are treasures." After finishing speaking, Wei Chu glanced at Gu Qi who was driving in front of him, and then at him. Su Tingyu, who was standing next to him, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Sister Su, there are exactly two of them, or... you and the boss each have one, as a gift from me?"

The village head said that when you are away from home, you must have a good relationship with your superiors and colleagues.

Wei Chu searched for various ideas in his mind, and finally realized that the village hadn't paved roads or installed street lights in the past few years. It was the village head and a few uncles who went to a distant place with some gifts. It's all a little easier.

Later, the main road was paved to the entrance of the village.

"No, no, no." Su Tingyu waved his hand: "You are only two, keep it. Besides, one of us is your boss and the other is Miss Su. Is it possible that we want to take your things by force? And, secretly tell you Oh……"

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, lowered his voice, and the voice was so low that the other two people in the car couldn't help but hear: "We have a lot~ Do you want it~" After finishing speaking, Su Tingyu stared at Wei Wei. Chu's face changed, and he was very curious about how the latter would react.

Hee hee... you want to grab it, you want to grab it, you want to grab it~
Su Tingyu felt that the meteor stick in the item bar wanted to come out and shake it for a while.

For a moment, Wei Chu's hairs stood on end all of a sudden, as if he was being watched by a mysterious and extremely dangerous beast, he shook his head and waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, no... I can find it myself. The elders in the village once said that without merit If you don't get paid, you won't bother Sister Su."



"Are you sure you don't?"

"OK, OK!"

"Hmm... that's fine." Su Tingyu said regretfully.

Gu Qi listened to Su Yan Yuyu who was scaring the children behind him, his face was calm, he turned his head and looked at the time displayed on the car:
- 0:15
The navigation sound came from the mobile phone: "Turn right after 50 meters ahead..."

There were no vehicles or figures on this spacious road, and even the street lights on the side of the road were blocked by the lush green trees on both sides.

In the sky, at some point, the moon has already hidden in the clouds.

Gu Qi stared straight ahead, occasionally looking to the sides.

Seeing that he was about to pass the curve, suddenly, a figure sprang out from the dark shadow on the right, and rushed straight towards the car.

When Gu Qi found out, he immediately stepped on the brakes!

A dull sound came from the front of the car, and his eyes narrowed... Is this, hit someone?

The sudden braking also alarmed Su Tingyu and Wei Chu in the back seat of the car.

"What's wrong?" Wei Chu was slightly confused, he didn't pay attention to what happened in front of him just now.

"Bumped someone?" Su Tingyu widened her eyes in surprise.

The flashing thing she saw just now...was a figure, right?right?

"Go down and have a look first." Gu Qi unbuckled his seat belt and pushed open the door.

"Oh oh."

Seeing this, Su Tingyu and Wei Chu also got out of the car.

This section of the road happened to have no street lights, and it was dark, but fortunately there was a car light.

"Hey, are you okay?" Su Tingyu leaned closer to the front of the car and muttered, "It's not my car. If you want compensation, don't ask me~"

Gu Qi who was behind Su Tingyu rolled his eyes invisibly when he heard the words.

After Wei Chu got out of the car, he raised his hand and touched his nose, then lightly sniffed the smell of the surrounding air, and gradually frowned.

...Why do you feel a strange smell?
And this peculiar smell, Wei Chu couldn't say it was strange for a while.

Could it be that there is an incinerated dump nearby?Is this the smell of garbage?

"Hey, why didn't this person respond?" Su Tingyu saw a group of human-shaped Dongdong lying on the road in front of the car, with hands and feet, and his face could not be seen clearly, only a lot of hair, the length Almost to the knees of the person.

"Hello? Are you there?" Su Tingyu yelled several times, but there was no movement, so he turned around and said to Gu Qi, "I seem to have fainted, what should I do? Should I call an ambulance?"

"Call it." Gu Qi went back into the car and turned on the front and rear warning lights.

(End of this chapter)

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