Bug in survival game

Chapter 796 Cool Summer Holiday 19

Chapter 796 Cool Summer Holiday 19
Su Tingyu took out his mobile phone and poked the screen of the mobile phone: "Hey... Sister nurse? Someone here fainted on the main road... Well, yes, the address is...Okay, okay..."

After briefly explaining the situation, Su Tingyu hung up the phone.

At this moment, Su Tingyu turned around, turned his back to the front of the car, and said to Gu Qi in the car: "Drive the car farther away first, move this man to the outside of the road, and we can leave."

In the eyes of ordinary players, this is just an NPC in the dungeon, not a real person, and his life is not worth mentioning.

However, because Su Tingyu has experienced a dungeon of the real world and knows that the "NPC" in it is a real person, for the current high-star event dungeon, before it is completely sure that this is not the real world, the NPCs he meets will also be Let's treat it like a real person.

Some people fainted by crossing the road in the middle of the night. Normally, when a normal person sees it, they can't just ignore it.

In the car, Gu Qi was just about to start the car, when he looked up, he saw a figure standing up on the front glass of the car.

Gu Qi narrowed his pupils.

The fainted man...was awake? ?

Gu Qi watched the man turn his head and neck stiffly and slowly, under his black hair, his eyes flashing red were no longer normal——

"Su Tingyu!"

That person rushed towards Su Tingyu, who was the closest one, who was not in the car, and whose back was turned!

Su Tingyu didn't turn his head back, but felt the tremor behind him. While avoiding it sideways, he twisted his waist and swept his right leg out!



Coincidentally, Su Tingyu's kick hit the man's weakest abdomen...

The face hidden under the hair was instantly ferocious and livid, his hands subconsciously covered the pain because of the pain, Wei Wei trembled and fell limp on the ground.

"This is... a man?!"

When the man showed most of his face, Su Tingyu was astonished when he saw it.

For a moment, Su Tingyu suspected that he was not in the copy of the modern worldview.

How can a modern man, under normal circumstances, have knee-length lush hair?Even women are rare!

Without giving the three people much time to react, the long-haired man who fell on the ground stood up straight again, as if the soles of his feet had taken root, driving his whole body to stand upright in front of the three people again.

The long-haired man with dementia rushed towards Su Tingyu, as if he was staring at the latter, and would not stop dying.

Wei Chu quickly reminded: "Sister Su! Be careful! He's coming over again!"

All I saw was that the girl with long hair had a calm face, and suddenly a strange stick that was continuously enlarged and longer appeared in her hand, and she was stabbed far away by the stick before the former got close!

"Uh..." Wei Chu blinked slowly, closing his slightly opened mouth.

When Wei Chu saw Su Tingyu's eyes again, he was a little more cautious.

Not just in the car or in the store just now... When the two met for the first time, Wei Chu's keen intuition was vaguely releasing a message:
This girl who looks younger than me is very dangerous!

Wei Chu has always believed in his intuition. Relying on his intuition, he did not know how many poisonous snakes and pests he avoided when he entered the mountains as a child. This is not some metaphysics, but more like his innate talent for "smell". .

...So, after the "thief's misunderstanding" was explained clearly, Wei Chu did not hesitate at all, and recognized his sister obediently and honestly.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

Because he was the youngest, a rural child, a 17-year-old underage child...it's not shameful.

So, seeing this scene, I was surprised, but somewhat expected.

... Well, it's not bad that it's Sister Su, his own sister who was 17 years late!
Su Tingyu was carrying a meteor stick, but she didn't know that her "cheap brother" had already made her own claim to recognize her as her own sister. She glanced at the long-haired man who was beaten by her, silently estimated the distance, and told herself in her heart He nodded affirmatively: Yes, there has been progress, this time he didn't fly too far.

The Liuyun stick became longer inch by inch, and when it reached the distance to poke the long-haired man, Su Tingyu poked the former's head without hesitation: "Hey, are you still alive? Can you still get up? How about we be kind?" talk about it?"


Su Tingyu tilted her head, and muttered puzzledly: "Why didn't you respond?" She didn't use much force either.

"Tidu, Didu~" At this time, from far to near, the sound of an ambulance sounded behind the three of them.

Su Tingyu turned his head and saw that an ambulance was coming towards them.

After the ambulance stopped, several doctors and nurses ran out quickly. Two of the doctors were carrying a stretcher. They were very efficient and carried away the unconscious long-haired man on the ground without asking.

"Hey, sister nurse, that person..."

Su Tingyu stopped a younger nurse, who was about to tell about the unusual condition of the long-haired man, but the latter interrupted her: "You called the ambulance, it did a good job. "

After finishing speaking, the little nurse left in a hurry with her colleagues.

"Didu, Didu~" the voice sounded, and the ambulance gradually went away.

"It's strange." Gu Qi stared at the direction where the ambulance was leaving: "It's not the first time these doctors have met this kind of 'patient'."

Su Tingyu nodded: "Yes, leave in a hurry. Is it to save people..." Or do you not want her to get in touch with more?
"Do you want to follow?" Wei Chu asked.

Gu Qi shook his head: "We called the ambulance just now, it's not very wise to follow up now, and it's still in the battle mode now, let's focus on collecting treasures first."

Su Tingyu had no objection, she was just curious, "What is this long-haired man? We can go to the hospital when we are free. If this kind of patient is not an exception, then go to the hospital...you will definitely meet him." akin."

"I'll go to the hospital tomorrow. Get in the car now and leave here." Gu Qi glanced at the time, because this weird long-haired man delayed them for three or four ten minutes.


After the two got into the car, Gu Qi started the car and left the place.

This time on the road, the three of them carefully paid attention to whether there would be another strange person running on both sides of the road.

But this time, nothing happened until the destination.

After getting off the car, Gu Qi looked at Su Tingyu: "I remember you brought a lot of 'private goods' in, first go to exchange for money, and then for treasures."

Su Tingyu looked innocent: "Is there a place to change?"

"I just checked, there is a gold shop opposite." Gu Qi pointed to a shop.

"Gu Jiu, are you out of money?" Su Tingyu asked curiously, shouldn't it be?

Gu Qi looked indifferent: "No, I'm just afraid it's not enough."

"That's fine, I'll change it, you guys go find the leak first."

(End of this chapter)

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