Bug in survival game

Chapter 797 Cool Summer Holiday 20

Chapter 797 Cool Summer Holiday 20
"Ah, pick up the leak?"

Wei Chu watched Su Tingyu bouncing away, and really couldn't figure out what the two of them wanted to do.

Gu Qi glanced at him, and explained briefly: "The 'treasures' mentioned in this round of dungeons are historical relics in the dungeons, and places like antique shops are everywhere."

"That's it..." Wei Chu thought of the two pieces of porcelain he had put on the car. It was a coincidence that he found these two treasures. It was a mistake in the porcelain shop that took the two historical relics as ordinary modern porcelain. , placed in the store for sale.

Gu Qi handed over a bank card to Wei Chu: "When the player touches the treasure, there will be a prompt on the panel. Buy all the treasures you find with the money in the card, and we will split up."

"Okay, boss." Wei Chu looked at the rich and powerful boss in front of him, and then remembered the painful expression on his face when he bought the two pieces of porcelain, and didn't know what to say.

Gu Qi was just about to leave, as if thinking of something, he said again: "All treasures can be stored in the inventory, if there are too many to carry, just find a place where there is no one else to store them."

"I remember, boss." Wei Chu suddenly realized, no wonder Sister Su said that she also had treasures, but he hadn't seen any treasures in the car, so they were all in the inventory.

In fact, most veteran players know the hidden rules that some special items in the dungeon can be stored in the inventory, but not everyone wants to receive the same when they are free.

Wei Chu is not a rookie Xiaobai either, even if he didn't take care of the reminder, he should realize it after a while.

The two started to split up, and instead of going into the exclusive antique shop, they went to some small stalls to pick up leaks.

When Su Tingyu came back after withdrawing the money, the two also got more than a dozen treasures.

Picking up leaks on the street is cheap and affordable, but the chance of encountering genuine products will be greatly reduced.

After Su Tingyu came over, he also joined the sweeping team.

"One, two, three..." Counting the ever-increasing treasures in his heart, Su Tingyu was in a good mood.

What is a date?
Su Tingyu had long forgotten.

But Su Tingyu didn't expect that he didn't want to make an appointment, so "fate" came, and he couldn't stop it.

At that time, Su Tingyu found another treasure at a small stall. He just raised his head to negotiate the price with the stall owner, but an unfriendly voice came in.

"Boss, the thing in her hand is 500 yuan, I want it."

Su Tingyu followed the sound and saw a man looking at her arrogantly.

Su Tingyu's eyes narrowed slightly. Although the man seemed to be looking at her, his eyes were somewhat unconsciously glancing at the panel next to him.

The NPC cannot see his own panel, which means... is this person a player?
Su Tingyu's panel popped up because a treasure was detected, but it happened to reveal her player identity.

Su Tingyu didn't pay attention to him first, but turned to look at the stall owner: "Boss, I was the first to see this piece of jade, how much is it?"

At this time, the stall owner saw someone fighting for his jade, rolled his eyes slightly, and smiled like a philistine: "Little girl, you didn't ask the price first, this young man came here, I... It's hard to say."


Is this because the two are competing to raise the price and reap the benefits for themselves?
It's a pity that there are restrictions on who belongs, otherwise, Su Tingyu would just dump the money and leave.

If you really want to get this piece of jade, you have to get the sincere consent of the stall owner.

"Hey, little girl, this jade is mine, hurry up and get out."

Su Tingyu took a few steps back, keeping the distance between the two of them at two meters, not wanting the other party to find out his nickname in the game.

After all, although Su Tingyu didn't care much, he still didn't lose the chain at the critical moment, and knew that he had a wanted status.

This round of dungeons did not say that players should not kill each other by hand, but this male player should have some confidence in provoking openly. Now that Su Tingyu's identity is exposed in full view, it is not easy to do anything. If the other party runs away... um , ran away, just a little troublesome.

Su Tingyu glanced at him, but still ignored him, and said to the stall owner, "Boss, you have an offer."

"But if I bid, you two, who will buy it? I'm a kind person, and I'm not good..." The stall owner looked helpless, and it was obvious that his idea of ​​sitting on the sidelines would not change. Raise the price.

It would be even more troublesome if the stall owner found out that it was a treasure and refused to sell it any longer.

"Don't delay my time, or we will follow the rules!" The male player looked at Su Tingyu, who had thin arms and legs. Even if he had game props, he would definitely not be able to do him. Dungeon battle mode to solve.

"Okay, but this piece of jade doesn't belong to you yet, so I need to add another one!" Su Tingyu's eyes were burning, since she was rushing to give away the treasure, she would not be polite!
"Yes!" The male player smiled. In his eyes, Su Tingyu was also rushing to give away treasures.

A mere little girl, would he be afraid?Will be afraid?
After both of them reached an agreement, their panels popped up at the same time:

[It is detected that after peaceful and friendly negotiations, a player has reached a willingness to 'engage in battle']

[Both sides in the battle: Angel Su VS Da Zhihui]

[Random draws will begin now... the draw is complete! 】

[The name of this 'Jet Battle' game is: Find Ducks]

[Competition rules and content: Find ten ducks in Vanity Street, no time limit, the person who finds them first will be the winner, and the winner can ask for a treasure from the loser at will]

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, and immediately gave the jade back to the stall owner, and then ran away with a 'whoosh'.

The male player realized it later, with a look of shock and anger, he also ran away immediately.

The stall owner at the scene looked at the tattered jade in his hand, a little dazed.

Didn't you agree to buy jade?

Bidding!The highest price wins!
Why did they all run away? ? !
The stall owner was very depressed: "I thought I ran into two idiots..." After that, he carefully considered the jade in his hand, but looking left and right, he really couldn't see that there was anything precious about it, and it was his jade. A batch of parallel imports... can't possibly be real treasures, right?
Thinking of this, the stall owner put the jade back on the stall.

"Duck, duck, duck... where is my duckling..." After Su Tingyu ran away in a hurry, he encountered difficulties halfway.

It was a big night, and it was still in the antique street, where did she find ten quacking ducks?
"I don't know if there are any mascots or pets raised by the store... It just so happened to be Quackaga again?" Su Tingyu slowed down, his eyes aiming at random.

This engagement is equivalent to betting on two treasures. If she loses, she can only want to (kill) cry (people) without (more) tears (goods).

The only thing that can comfort her is that she is hard to find, and that male player is also hard to find.

(End of this chapter)

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